I first saw this clip at my 174 bus and I felt warm inside. (somehow I related the scenes to my Eyang Adrijan relationship with my Mother. On the second tier, Acid and Sari with their daddys.)
Welcome to my disclose diary. My name is Nita. I post when I need to kill my time.
I don't care about the grammar, the weak or strong English, or the use of Bahasa Indonesia.
I just write what is said by the small grey brain cells in my head and told by the pink cells in my heart.
huuuu.. aku mau nangis nonton ini, tapi di malay dulu juga ada kaya bgini pus.. bagus bgt yaa.. :')
i love my dada thou sumtime u knowlah.. hehehehe
ah puspi, melelehkan aku hr ini ahhh
bagus bgt vid klipnya kimci..:)
aku kangen papi akuuu
aku nangis nihhh
jadi pengen ktmu papi dahh
tapi dah kagak bisaa
kangen menahun gini gimana caranya yak...
Gue ga tahan mau comment:
Sebenernya yang cocok lo pajang itu yang judulnya "Percintaan..." yang iconnya muncul setelah film ini.
Cocok bener sama kisah first kiss loe..waktu TK dulu..:)
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