Thank Yous and Sorries.. :)

Minal Aidin Walfaidzin...!
Special note for the Bridezilla next door from (just) another Bridezilla!

See u!

Lebaran Plan!!

Everybody at my office are all excited for the upcoming Lebaran. At first, I thought I love christmas more than Lebaran, thanks to Santa, jingle and the trees. But now that I've been receiving ayyloottt Lebaran gifts. I like this one better!!

My plans would be:

1. Today's lunchtime:

Searching the right gift for my secretary and the right cookies for my colleagues. Am planning to go to Plaza or Grand Indonesia. Wuhuu... I love love love searching for things I wouldn't use myself. It reduces the guilty feelings!

2. Today after-lunchtime:

As a good daughter and also the substitute for the better one who's now residing in Australia, I need to go downstairs to meet the Mbak2 Panin for some uang 2ribuan (baru). And also give them some Lebaran cookies (that I sell!)

3. Tomorrow the-whole-day

Enjoying the Lebaran vibe at my office and giving my cookies and gifts. Now people, I AM THE SANTA!! :D

4. Friday

Doing groceries shopping with mother. You know what people? I am so gonna cook bake mix this year! Just got a super simple recipe from my office mate! Be prepared Tumbe! You have to clean up the mess and eat all of the damage!

5. Saturday

Go to my friend's house to take the oreo mint pudding I ordered. Start to cook. Tumbe shall has the right to enjoy my dish as his fasting break. :) Once again Tumb, be prepared!

6. Sunday

Is Sunday the Lebaran Day?

Fast forward to 24 September pleaseeee...

Me and my mother will be off to Solo! Yiiiihaaa.. Finally, a chance to go splurge with my mother! Let's not care about expenses shall we Mother? We'll go by Garuda, and not Airasia, or Sriwijaya or other budget airlines.. We'll stay at the newest hotel in Solo (even though it is only an Ibis) for 4 days and not those boutique hotel or Kampung Sewu where we need to do the sweep or other cleaning stuffs. We'll eat anything you want (the consideration would only be your cholesterol and sugar diet), we'll go to Klewer and buy any batik you want.

26 September..
Tumbe will be arriving at his room, next to my room early in the morning. 8 AM. I'll introduce Tumbe to my Eyangs and Tante at the family graveyard. Ask for their blessings. Tumbe and I would have the first malming in the city that sleeps at 6.30 PM. Hahaha. It's okay, we can still do the PDA on the becak kok :)

27 September
Me and Tumbe will go to Yogyakarta by Prambanan Express (Pramex) and have culinary tour before going back to Jakarta...

28 September
Back to this place, posting our holiday pictures...

Hope the plan goes well and I hope yours goes well too!

Happy Lebaran!!!

The Room

Hari ini puasa!! Yippeyyy! *Riya mode on

Abis saur nggak tidur bok. Grusak grusuk banyak pikiran. Jiyaahhhh...

Yukk... Mari kita tengok kamar berdebu yang nantinya akan menjadi The Room! *kurangkerjaanmotret2daripadamanyun
Debunya parahhhh!! Semua urusan kawin ditumpuk disitu. Ada undangan, suvenir (yang bak terumbu karang), seserahan buat Tumbe, kain2, kebaya2, bahan2. Wih.. super bentol deh yah pokoknya.

Ini dia si suvenir! Dengan pita salah! Hihihihi. Jumlahnya berapa? Nggak tau. Ada yang salah tempel, produksi, cacat? Mbuh. Perduli? Nggak.

Kalo yang ini suvenir siraman buat para ibu2 penyiram.. Bath Buddiesnya bisa buat mainan sama cucu loh Tanteeee.. :)

Lalu apakah benda coklat yang menyerupai t*i raksasa ini? Sang t*i raksasa adalah tak lain dan tak bukannn.. Bantal Cintaaaa! Walaupun penampakan mengerikan begitu tapi begitu di coba... Mak nyessss... Worth the bad view lah :D Mamah ikutan nyela2in sang t*i raksasa. Hihihi. Kasian kamuh.. my bad on picking the wrong color!

Muka Tertengil Sedunia

Gimana? Gimana? Mangstappp kannn?? Bolehlah awak bertengil2 ria. :D


Yeahuuuu!!! After a long contemplation, I we (gee... it is really hard to change the word "I" to "we" from my vocabulary) came into an agreement on determining the Mahar!

Kenapa bukan Logam Mulia?
Karena harga emas yang secara konstan pasti menanjak dan norma-norma yang meng-sebaiknyajangan-kan penjualan mas kawin. Bener deh, kalau nantinya 1 gram emas itu jadi 200 juta misalnya dan ada lempengan nganggur dilemari tanpa bisa diberdayakan karena nggak bisa sayang dijual.. Manyun awakkk!

Kenapa bukan seperangkat alat sholat?
Karena katanya mahar itu harus yang punya economical value. Jadi kalo Tumbe (awas kamu yah!!) menelantarkan si Jeng, mas kawinnya bisa dijokulll!

Kenapa bukan mahar lucu2?

The Box

Karena mahalll bookkk ngehiasnya...
Untuk gambar diatas ongkos hias: Rp. 750.000,- nominal uang di dalemnya: sembilan belas ribu delapan ratus duapuluh balbalbalbal (sesuai tanggal kawin). Economical value: ah well, let's talk about emotional value deh kalo yg begini. And Jeng Cikim is certainly not an emotional one! Haha. But if one of u willing to have this kinda mahar, go check The Box at Cilandak. They are the best! Jangan harap dapet mahar dilipit2 jadi kipas, or angsa, or mesjid, or other tacky stuffs. :)

So, I agree with Carol Channings, "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend".
It has the economical yet the aesthetic value, well at least bisa dipake pesta. Ya gak ya gak ya gak? *pelit tak mau beli sendiri

Jadilah wiken melancong ke Melawai. Kebetulan ada sodara yang buka toko emas. Asiiikkk.. Tumbe agak manyun denger harga2nya. Karena cincin tunangan yang doi beli di Benteng dulu kemahalan.. Hihihih.

Tumbe playing with his new toy. Examining diamonds' tai lalat..

After the collector role Tumbe was playing in front of the Mas2 Toko Mas, on the way home, pufff.. Tumbe came up with a question: "Emang itu tadi bisa dijadiin mas kawin? Bukannya kalo mas kawin kamu maunya emas?".. Ngaahh Tumbeeeee.. aku pikir kamu ngerti dari tadiii.. *GARUUUKKK!!!!

under pressure!

Emang segala sesuatu kalo under pressure biasanya selalu lebih efektif. Seperti hour ini, belajar posting blog pake bb demi membunuh bosen nungguin dokter orthopedi di rspi sendirian hihi.

Tumbe, alias bridezilla, lagi ke tanah abang beli suvenir pengajian. Teheeeehee! Gimana Tumb? Kabar tanah abang? Damang? Anget? Penuh? Hhihihi.

TGIF ( i dont care)


  1. Suvenir udah selesai! Ada kesalahan? Ada sih, pitanya mustinya organdi coklat tp ini emas. Proses pembolongan membuat tulisan ga terbaca. Causing me problem? Nope.
  2. Undangan yg dibikin di By Ants ternyata oke secara harga. Tadi nyokap nanya ke tukang cetak langganan dan emang harganya segituan. God bless u By Ants.
  3. Bisnis kueh? Lancaarrr.. Alhamdulillahhh.. Walaupun uangnya langsung abis buat keperluan2 (aih mateee... ibu rumah tangga abis..). Contohnya: Tadi malem dipinjem Tumbe untuk bayar taxi selepas kencan malem jumat. Ahhh... kapan terbangunnya nih kerajaan bisnis??

Sedikit bersemangat yah nadanya?

Padahal in reality nggak segitunya. Have no TGIF mood this Friday. Padahal nanti ada makan2 di Grand Hyatt. Padahal besok ada makan2 juga di Hanna. Padahal gak puasa. Ahh... lemah letih lesu.

Tumbe udah jemput mau kencan ke orthopedi!

Rabu Seru

Cerita orang2 kocak2. Apalagi yg punya pacar sekantor. Cowok2nya semua jadi superman hihihihi. Emang bawaan bayi gampang naksir orang, langsung naksir deh sm 2 orang. Hahaha.
Yah.. mayan lah cardio turun tangga 30 lantai (untuk kemudian naik lagi dan melanjutkan yang harus dilanjutkan. Hoamh...)
Ini udah gempa ketiga di kantor. Prosedurnya tetep satu: cangklong tas, tenteng sepatu!

Sendal Kamar Menyentuh Rerumputan dan Puntung Rokok


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