This is a story about our dear friend, Miranti.
To Tumbe, Miranti is his big sister that he never had. Miranti is Ricky's sister, and that makes her Tumbe's sister too.
To me, Miranti is a girl friend to our stories, others stories and also a place to ask for the best coffee place in town.
To Lituhayu and Amara, Miranti is their OntiMir. Yang setiap business trip kemana-mana selalu bawain oleh-oleh. OntiMir juga OntiMir mereka yang selalu hadir di hari kelahiran mereka dan selalu tau cerita update tentang mereka.
It was around August, when I noticed, Miranti was bothered by constant pains. She was constantly tired, got ulcers all around her mouth and throat, and pain on her knees. I followed up her journey. Doctor hoping. From dentist to immunologist. I know her family quite well, they are the one who built our house, Om Wi. I know that Om Wi, just like I do, have a mega big concern on health and being healthy. I trust Miranti was in good hands.
So I sent her a chocolate pie.
She thanked me and said sorry that she did not have the chance to eat the pie because it arrived just when she was about to leave her house to Singapore, for a second opinion.
And I could not be more relieved that she did not have the chance to eat my chocolate pie..
Because, later on, the doctors restricted her to eat anything that does not come in single package, raw, or not hygiene guaranteed.. Due to her
zero immunity.
She was cheerful and act like nothing happened or will be happening when she updated me: "I'm going to do
bone marrow test (biopsi sumsum tulang belakang) tomorrow".
Shaking, I consulted with my colleague who also happens to be a doctor. "Semoga Lupus ya Nit. Atau kelainan darah yang lain.." and I asked Miranti: "Ada rash nggak Mir? Di kulit?" dan dijawab: "Nggak kok Nit". And I started to pray, even harder.
The next news I knew was from Tumbe. 8 years of togetherness, over fights, over failures, over mistakes, I've never seen any single tear on his eyes. But not that morning. His voice was trembled, his eyes were teary. "Gic, kamu udah tau Miranti sakit apa?" | "Hah? Belum. Sakit apa??" |" Leukimia akut. We need to go to Singapore asap." *masih merinding*. Sepanjang perjalanan sampai kantor, kita berdua sama-sama nanar dan termangu. Sambil cari-cari informasi tentang penyakitnya dan cari tiket ke Singapur.
Unfortunately, batuk pilek selalu melanda kita berdua dan Miranti sama sekali nggak boleh kena virus karena immune system-nya yang nihil. Ibaratnya kalau kita batuk, Miranti bisa jadi kena pneumonia. Dan lain lain. Akhirnya, what we can do is to support Ricky in Jakarta.
Ricky showed her love to her sister in a very elegant way.. Nggak ada pitty party, dia cerita dengan runut tentang Miranti sambil kita makan malam. Beberapa kali tarik nafas, dan setiap dia tarik nafas, mataku basah. Terutama waktu Ricky bingung mau kasih kado apa ke Miranti, nada dan tatapan matanya bagaikan pengen kasih kado ke pujaan hati dan takut salah. "Kasih kado dia apa ya? Make up, tapi mengandung chemicals. Tas, dia nggak pake.. Buku, nggak suka.. Bingung gue..." Awww Rickyyy.. *still single anyway, for a limited period*
Jadi, diagnosa Miranti adalah
Acute Monocytic Leukemia. Miranti harus di chemotheraphy secepatnya dan jika memungkinkan, transplantasi sumsum tulang belakang.
Menjelang cycle pertama kemoterapinya, I asked the kids to to pray for her. Not just my kids, but also my family's, Gengger kids and Geng Makan kids. Semoga doa-doa malaikat cilik cepat didengar supaya OntiMir tidak merasakan sakit yang berlebihan dan kuat menjalani segala prosesnya. Pasti banyak anak-anak kecil lainnya yang doain Miranti. Karena OntiMir selalu thoughtful dan sayang sama anak-anak kecil. And, also Fluffy, her dog. Pasti Fluffy juga doain. Our guardian angels.
Semua sayang Miranti. Di NUH, pengunjung hilir mudik dateng menjenguk. Tadinya me, Wulan and Pepe berencana untuk take turns supaya jangan ada kekosongan di wiken. Not happening. Wiken selalu full house! That's our girl! Betapa banyak orang yang sayang sama Miranti sampai berbondong-bondong terbang ke negeri seberang untuk menengok. Bukan cuma temen, tetapi juga kolega. Ex boss kantor pertama, ex boss kantor kedua, dan tentunya current boss-nya. According to one of her bosses, Miranti Rachmatsaleh is young, beautiful, positive and always full of energy. No wonder, semua sayang dan turut mendoakan.
She smiled a lot.
Sekarang Miranti has gone through her 3rd cycle of chemoteraphy. Tertatih-tatih for sure. Tapi dia selalu positif dan ceria. Kadang-kadang, I forgot that she's in bed receiving treatments waktu ngobrol-ngobrol. And I have to limit myself untuk jangan lama-lama ngobrol karena Miranti pasti capek banget. I tried not to be annoying :D
Hari ini, hari ke-32 pasca Miranti transplantasi sumsum tulang belakang. How cool is that!
OntiMir is a strong gal! Stories behind people who wants to be her donors juga menyesakkan dada. Betapa Ricky berharap penuh gen-nya bisa compatible sepenuhnya dengan gen Miranti. Dan betapa Miranti was being so reluctant to have Ricky as her donor. Tetapi, ternyata ada gen yang nggak compatible dan Miranti dapet donor dari bank donor. Ah, siblings love..
Hari ke-32 pasca transplantasi adalah sama halnya dengan bayi berusia 32 hari. Miranti terlahir kembali! Semua organ-nya belum sepenuhnya mature. Sama persis seperti bayi baru lahir. Oleh karenanya, Miranti harus dijaga baik-baik kesehatannya sampai 100 hari pasca tranplantasi dan semoga semua selnya berkembang dan compatible dengan sumsum barunya. Happy Birth Day, kesayangan kami!
She's still smiling a lot.
Perjalanannya masih sangat panjang. Immunity-nya belum sampai 1%. Tapi, Miranti pasti bisa! Kalau kata Pepe, she is that strong.
Mari kita luangkan waktu sejenak untuk berdoa untuk Miranti supaya tidak merasakan sakit yang berlebihan, disembuhkan dari penyakit dan diberikan kekuatan. Aamiin.. If you want to support her or you happen to know her, please do leave some comments on this blog.
Oh, her boss created this Caring for Miranti project. Please click this
link for financial support.
Thank you very much.. Semoga segala kebaikan dan kemurahan hati untuk mendukung Miranti dibalas oleh Yang Maha Kuasa secara berlipat ganda. Aamiin..
Miranti, I know you read this. We love you, Strong Gal! Lituhayu and Amara (the virus centre) are waiting to see you. Litu will be judes as usual, but once you piggy back her to buy cupcakes, she will kiss you on your cheek. While Amara, the shy girl maybe too shy to say hi to you, but she'll smile at you. I promise.
Get well soon, and come back home!