Library 12.23 p.m

Just got back to reality last night.
Genting was... Tacky!

So here I am..
with this stupid Doha things,
kaya bread, and
(oh shit! I spent my SGD 1.10 for this stupid kratingdaeng.. stupid redbull!)

I've been here since this morning and produced one sentence. Yes, one lovely sentence.
Stupid! Stupid!
The idea is to chat with my sister, or browse some bags, or do a little bit stalking, or check emails ONLY WHEN I AM BORED.
But das sein? Open these stupid books ONLY WHEN I AM BORED of doing the above mentioned.

I need more pressure.. more pressure.. more pressure please! I only work under pressure! Stupid pressure!

Aw.. isn't that drama? I love drama!


Le Drama Queen

P.S.: The mother of le boyfriend just called a couple of minutes ago. And as a polite student in a stupid library, I lowered my voice "oh nggak tante.. lagi di perpustakaan kok.."
Haha! Have I just made a good image, unintentionally?

Tell Me Fortune, Please...

Kalo sahabatku itu diramal demikian cantiknya...
Hari ini giliran eike diramal
Peramalnya tak lain dan tak bukan adalah anak si auntie di sini..

Ramalannya adalah sbb:
  1. Minggu ketiga bulan Maret, diriku akan mengalami sakit (kita buktikan);
  2. Umur 47 tahun akan mengalami sesuatu yg shocking berat.. tergantung bagaimana menyiasatinya;
  3. Terlalu banyak menangis di awal kehidupan (this one has been mentioned to me several times by different so-called-fortune-teller);
  4. I have a sharp tongue and very strong verbal ability (menurut tes IQ terakhir, kemampuan verbal : GENIUS!!)
  5. I love to gossip (aha!)
  6. I argue alot with my sibling ( you tell me which one!);
  7. I can work either here or there, but here will be (of course) more succesfull;
  8. There will be 3 backstabbers, 1 is my boss and the other two are my seniors;
  9. I will have one BIG BOY! ( please God, I want a girl too...!);
  10. I love to spend money;
  11. This year, I wont have alot of money (its gonna be a tough year for me) but on December (hopefully) everything will be back to normal;
  12. oh, at the end I will be rich :) .


  1. He couldn't see any marriage yet;
  2. June, July, October will be tough months for my relationship since we will argue alot;
  3. There will be two choices;
  4. One is this settle, steady, straight, normal guy;
  5. and the other is this rebelious, tukang morotin and bad guy;
  6. The first is the right choice and the second will be just right person on the wrong time;
  7. Again, it will depends on my choice;
  8. Alot of problems will occur on my relationship, mostly about communication, trust, and... long distance relationship.

Huhuhu.. semoga semua baik baik sajah :)

Sushi at 50 cents


Friday, my Body Sculpting day!

Since it was really hot out there, I decided to just stay at home and do some unimportant things. Sooo unimportant until I forgot to eat. I only ate 1 huge portion of spaghetti and.. thats all.. Being in hurry to catch the free shuttle bus from my campus to the main campus, I could not get anything to eat. So I starved (almost to death)..

Hoo shit.. this Body Sculpting exercise would be so tiring and I would be found dead at the jumping jack session if I could not grab something to my mouth.. gulp gulp... a glass of water might help. Hell no! Im not a supermodel who get satisfaction by a glass of water!! oh shit.. Dinda is already there.. Walk walk walk!

Waiting at the bus stop for almost 10 minutes.. Ah.. If only I made those kaya bread and bring it here :(

Reaching the locus walked a little bit hurry. It was already 6 o'clock.

On our way to the gym, we saw something luxurious... Japanese Stall!! (I cannot afford Japanese Food) And there were the small banners. Sushi, nigiri, maki, roll, 50 cents each.. without any further consideration, we stopped there (so that Dinda can put her shoes on.. haha kambing hitam) and I grabbed some sushis. It looked like TV champion show haha... Not finished yet. Arghh, I'll take it home!

At the jumping jack session... those unagis and salmons were already on our necks. I knew its a bad idea to eat 1 minute before exercise.. but who can resist 50 cents sushi?

However, we survived until the cooling down session.

Thinking about a classic date in this main campus. Eat some cheap good foods, cold beers (nah he cant take beer), walk under the sun, go to the library, eat some scoops of cheap ice cream.. Who needs orchard road, holland village and clarke q?

I cannot wait for him to come (putting the cheap nigiri into my mouth at my bed)
*) im sorry about the pic, it has no corelation with the content of the blog but I just kinda like it

Accomplishment of the Day

Accomplishment of the day:
  1. made him a [temporary] stalker.

Me so proud :D

Horrible Montag

Just finished my presentation a few seconds ago. Fiuh.. finally it's over. David was so nice, he whispered "Good job Nita!" when I passed him.

So, this horrible Montag is done. All I need is to finish those unfinished and untouched papers. Well, I think I deserve a little day-dreaming :)

Can't wait until March, April and... July!

Mood Swing

Le boyfriend had succesfully made my day today!
Okay baby.. looking forward le commencement day!!
I better do some presentation stuffs for tomorrow!
Veryy goood!!

Golden Mushroom Soup

+ =

What You Need:
  1. Golden Mushroom;
  2. Egg;
  3. Tomato;
  4. Soya sauce;
  5. Garlic;
  6. Oil;
  7. Plain Water;
  8. Salt n Pepper;
  9. Luck.
What You Have To Do:

  1. Fry the garlic until it becomes brownishy;
  2. put the cut tomato;
  3. pour the plain water and wait until it boils, turn the fire down;
  4. put salt and pepper and also the soya sauce;
  5. and the golden mushroom;
  6. stir the egg down.
Taraaa.. period. good vegetarian soup without any MSG.

Lo Hei

The tradition here on Chinese New Year is to celebrate day 7 of the new year. On that day, every Chinese are having their birthday. So, there were me and my mom.. greeting happy birthday to every chinese we met. We went to a restaurant at Bukit Merah with Auntie and her friends to celebrate their birthdays. If before we only saw it on TV, that day, we join the LO HEI lunch. We pulled the veggie as high as possible so that we will be prosperous, happy, healthy and beautiful :D We have to cry "LO HEI LO HEI LO HEI" loudly. What a tradition!
I think, one of the best things of renting a room in Singapore is to know other nations' traditions even though your stomach cannot take another cup of shark fin soup anymore, or Burmish food is too sour for you, or Vietnam food sometime smells too fishy and cold, or yeah you need to put a dash of salt into your Singapore food and in the extreme scenario you have to pretend that the food is delicious, you bring it to your room put the food into plastic bag and throw it away.


Excuse me, how cool are those shoes*???

*) U.R.S Plaza Singapura, size 37

17 y.o. Bloom?

Kata orang tua dulu "umur 17 tahun adalah masa dimana seorang gadis tengah mekar-mekarnya".

Another evident that not every elderly saying is true.

That was me (correct! the very right one).. on my optimum blooming age.. at my 17th birthday party.. looked like a Javanese maid and obviously not on the maid's blooming years.

Maroon5 and My Mom

I asked my mom to watch my first love, adam levine, on youtube. So, there was the conventional debate between me and her. I told her that he's sexy but she did not agree. Always like that. Will Smith to me is hot while according to her, he's ndower.

As we watched him, I told my mom that he's coming to Singapore. Suddenly she urged me to go find a ticket for the concert. And I denied. No way the ticket is more that $100. I dont wanna waste our money.. even to watch a very sexy man on stage. And there was the second debate.. She was so upset because I've been too irit.

The Bangkok trip.. failed, the KL trip, failed.. the dream bag has gone.. I told u to buy the jeans and u were mad at me. What are u doing? Do u wanna waste ur time? Come on.. go buy the ticket.. ask Tami to go with u.. or DF... go ask marjie to buy u the bag, go to paragon and buy the jeans (especially the jeans coz u said they dont have it in Indonesia). I dont know what happen with u. Dont be too pelit..balabla

Tears were just about to drop. No no no I cant cry in front of her. Oh my God. She's like... the best!! :'( a very cool 64 year old single mother who has been struggling for more than half of her age for her children. I regret that Im her last :'( I love u Mah...

The Red Envelope

Yipppeee.. I got my first 'red envelope'!!!
Just by saying Happy New Year Auntie.. Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!
Im glad that I'm not married yet :D
I love angpao*!!
Gong Xi Fa Chai
*)the angpao $12.. the feeling?? priceless..

Yahoo Status

Align with my mood today, I changed my YM status quite frequently. First, invisible. Second, available. Third, "Pahlawan H.M Soeharto" with busy icon. Fourth, invisible. Then, available. Afterwards, something happened with my blog. It turned to be classic blogger. As a gaptek blogger, I got panick (really, even my palms sweat). Call me Drama Queen, but I can't cope with today's drama. So I changed my status into "BETE BERAT!!" capital character. And after the panick attack, it seems that Mercury, Hermes or other God of Knowledge came and hit my head. I was able to convert the fuckin classic blogger into new blogger and I still have my shoutbox :D. Happy, I changed the status to "sudah tidak bete lagi :D". And the best part is.. some of my friends popped out, simultaneously.

Txxx Cxxxxxx: dan sudah tidak takut lagi

Axxxx Nxxxxxxx: nah
Axxxx Nxxxxxx: statusnya sekarang lebih menyenangkan

Wxxxx: gitu dong

Rxxx Lxxxx: happy for u

lxx!: darlin'
puspita hendra sari: ya
lxx!: aku blum pulang niyyy
puspita hendra sari: ok
lxx!: mari kita ngubril lagi yuuu...
lxx!: masih bete yak...??----> yang ini rada telat menyadari situasi hihih i love u lay!

Finally, one happiness. At least I have friends who care to see my Yahoo Status. Thank u :)

Another bad day. Another 66 bus ride.

So, this is like my worst day at NUS :( and I felt (and probably looked) like shit.
I got home by 66 bus. Sit next to this guy with baby pink shirt, white pants, stylish hair, pointy shoes and bad -oh my god! very bad- mouth odor.

Mr.O*: "Are u studying?"
Me: (was reading my material) looked at him blankly "yes"
Mr.O: "what major r u taking?"
Me: "law"
Mr.O: "what law?"
Me: "corporate"
Mr.O: "is it cheap studying here?"
Me: pressing my nose hard "yes"
Mr.O: "where do u come from?"
Me: "Indonesia"
Mr.O: "wow! cheaper here?"
Me: "yes" with bindeng voice
Mr.O: " I studied management in Europe, very expensive"
Me: nod.
Mr.O: "how much is it here?"
Me: "6"
Mr.O: "per month?"
Me: annoyed. "no"
Mr.O: "how many city is it in Singapore?"
Mr.O: "oh u dont want to talk?"
Me: "NO!"
Mr.O: "Ok, sorry for disturbing u"
Me: press my nose even harder and demonstratically (i dont know if its really a word or not).

Hhhh... at least that will be my last 66 bus.

*)Mister Odor

Today's SMS (or text message or whatever)

06.27 pm +65820... Miilll!!! aku liat bulu ketek si x!!
06.35 pm +628151...Buset dah si x sexy amet. cie udah punya pulsa nih ceritanya hehehe. kamu dimana? aku lg kerja aja
06.36 pm +65820... kok ga bales imel aku mil? kriting miil ama panjang!!!
06.40 pm +628151...heh? aku bales loh 3 kali. kamu keriting sekarang rambutnyaa??
06.40 pm +65820...bukaan bulu ketek si x
06.52 pm +628151...buset si y pasti bahagia banget tuh.. km lg apa?
06.55 pm +65820... aku lg stabilloing.. aku cinta bulu ketek si x
06.56 pm +628151... ok.. good luck yah belajarnya. semangat yah
06.57 pm +65820... kok ketek si x ga dibahas :(
07.01 pm +628151...iyah nanti kita bahas ya dengan detail di rumah.. ok kepik?
07.02 pm +65820... Asiiiikkk.. nanti yaahh.. njembreee miiill!!!

yaiyyy tak sabar menanti jam 8 malam dan bergunjiiiinggg..
x: a man
y: his gf
+628151... : lover
+65820...: lover


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