Have a Nice Weekend!


Snow on the sahara

The Scenery

Tumbe has been very nice for cancelling the previous hotel reservation and making a new reservation for this one...

Well, I still have 4 months to prepare my self for this scenery...

Mata kriyip kriyip.. menghirup udara Bali nan eksotis (?), menggolek ke kanan.. dannnnn.... danggg!!! Tumbe lg be'ol!!!

Holiday Inn Sg
Let's collect some holiday inn reward points for the next holiday Tumbe!

Our Playlist

Cik ini list aku:

  1. Ran - Nothing Last Forever ---> okay, first song.. nothing last forever baby?
  2. Sore - Somos Libres -->somos libres .. rr.. free man? well say hello to the word commitment Somos Libres!
  3. Sore - Pergi Tanpa Pesan --> runaway groom
  4. Bunglon - Cerita Lalu --> the X file?
  5. The Fly - Terbang --> kawinan apa pensi Tumb?
  6. Alexa - Wajahmu Indahkan Duniaku --> ??
  7. Float - Pulang -->pulanggg??
  8. Jingga - Tentang Aku --> tingkat ke-akuan yang sungguh tinggi Tumbe...!
  9. Maliq - Pilihanku --> ga suka
  10. Ran - Ratu Lebah --> what is thisss???
  11. Tompi - Menghujam Jantungku
  12. East 17 - Each Time
  13. Foo Fighters - Walking After You
  14. Hall & Oates - Say It Ain't So
  15. John Legend - P.D.A. -->PDA sayaangg?? get caught by policeman at the park???
  16. Maroon 5 - Nothing Last Forever --> okay noted baby, nothing will last forever. no need to mention it twice!
  17. Snow Patrol - Chocolate
  18. Babyface - Fire --> so prom night yah?
  19. Jamiroquai - 7 Days in Sunny June --> kawinan kita kayanya Novemberrr?
  20. Rent - Seasons of Love
  21. Sway - Saturday Night Hustle -->?
  22. Roberta Flack - Set The Night to Music --> terjelek sedunia
  23. Saigon Kick - The One
  24. Simply Red - Stars --> ga suka simply reddd
  25. Sky - You

Gila.. Canggih bgt yah pacar guah???!!

Hotel di Bali

Waktu dulu awal persiapan kawin, me and Tumbe menyiapkan bahan untuk dipresentasikan ke orang tua (gedung). I noted down the price (of course) and facility. Tumbe, sigh... made notes on the height of the ceiling :(

Sekarang, persiapan reservasi bulan madu, me and Tumbe mencari kesana-kemari hotel yang sesuai dengan budget dan keinginan. I once again noted down the price and facility. Tumbe, sigh... made notes on the width of the room :(

Kuta Paradiso

I like this one but the great tripadvisor forbid us to stay there.

The shortlisted candidates:

  1. Grand Hyatt Nusa Dua --> Tumbe has made a reservation during my masuk angin day. Thanks for that Tumb.. But it can be canceled 7 days before the D-date. Nice, but it's too remote for me.
  2. Nikko--> I like the scenery, but this one is the most remote hotel in Nusa Dua.
  3. Holiday Inn--> we like it a lot! It's brand new and located in Tuban. Too bad the room is only 32 m2. Tumbe refused to like it anymore.
  4. Melia --> too much bugs according to the great tripadvisor. We had a good deal on this actually.

We really are city persons, so we prefer Hotel than Resort or Villa.

Tumbe Bokek

Me and my Bamba are one of the couples that meets everyday! Seriously.

Tahun pertama pacaran. Tumbe kerja di Cibitung dan aku? Kuningan doonnggg (bangga).. We met almost every single day! Walaupun Tumbe kerjanya di ujung dunia, tapi somehow doi bisa aja mengagendakan makan siang bersama di kantor. That was a serious effort I must say. Driving from Cibitung-Kuningan, Kuningan-Cibitung, Cibitung Kuningan, Kuningan-Lebak Bulus, Lebak Bulus - Kebayoran. Tariiikk Juragannn!!! My office mates started to call me Ms. Sterius.

Tahun kedua pacaran. Tumbe kerja di Cibitung, Antasari dan GKBI. Aku? setengah di Kuningan (masih bangga) sisanya di Singapore. Hasilnya? 24/7 on webcam! (lebay.com)

Tahun ketiga pacaran. Tumbe di GKBI dan moi masih di Kuningan (kali ini udah nggak bangga lagi, kantor Tumbe lebih strategis). We met twice a day! Lunch at this Jap Resto, lunch at that plaza, lunch at this Sunda Resto, lunch at that Italian Resto or just sitting and watching Sudirman Road from the outdoor area of Coldstone FX.

Tahun ketiga bulan ketiga pacaran. Tumbe di GKBI dan moi? Dimanalagi kalau bukan Kuningan. "Cik, kayanya kita sampai kawin nanti cuman bisa afford ketemuan 2 kali seminggu deh. Supaya tabungannya cukup". Yahahahha.... Tumbe-nya bokek! Yah wes, part of pendewasaan diri ya Bamba :D

Bamb and Cik

Mama Tumbe minta semua barang2 seserahan mulai disetorkan. Hui... dibuka-buka lagi deh dan dikelet-kelet harga2nya Ternyata:
  1. Tas Anya-ku ada bangkai semut rang-rangnyaa!; dan
  2. Lingerie yg dibeli terlalu seronok, jadi nggak jadi deh hihihihi..

Waktu liat2 toiletries, eh nemu sepasang anduk ini. Hihi. Hampir terlupakan.

Bamb to the Bamba and Cik goes to the Cikim!

Selamat 3 Tahun 3 Bulan!

Pastis, 23 Juli 2009.

Bedroom Decoration

Phone Conversation between Jeng Cikim and her mother:

JC: Mah jadinya blbalablabla, kalo mamah mau blabalbalbal
M: Ok. Nita tau nggak mamah lg ngapain?
JC: Apa?
M: Mindah2in tempat tidur pengantennn... Semua dikerahkan termasuk Pak Ajud, Om Nardi, Tante Sus dan Eko
JC: Lah Mah?? Kok semangat amat???
M: Iya nih.. semua keringetan.. Kata Tante Sus mur2nya harus dikencengin biar nggak bunyi2 kl udah jadi penganten. Hahaha. Udah dulu ya lagi sibuk nih!

Buset ibu tante gua porno ah.

Kita emang nggak beli 'ranjang pengantin' baru.. abis nggak punya rumah baru juga sih :p

Jadi semangat jg menghias kamar. Maklum, selama ini hidup nomaden, tak punya kamar tidur sendiri. Hihihi.

Oh, since it's a giveaway bed set, so shabby chic it is!

Nostalgia Ramalan

Pagi tadi, nyokap bilang kalo doi br nemu dompet jaman SMA. Langsung samber.... Nyaahhh.. bener kannnn ada foto sama pacar (backstreet tentunya) lama. One of the french-kiss photobox series which was found out by my mother, the investigator. Ah, ibu gue mah dapet aja semua rahasia2 kuh... hihi. Well, he's such a cutie back then.

What is very fun to be found is this... Hasil coret2an peramal waktu new year eve 99-00.

Taun itu, kita nginep di sebuah hotel di Jakarta dan ada kakek kakek peramal yg menawarkan jasa meramal. Yes... me likey! Metodenya adalah memakai dadu, kartu dan kartu tarot sebagai media. Scarry isn't it! It's been almost a decade, so it is fun to recheck what is written there.

  1. jodoh dari satu daerah -- Tumbe is a Sundut (Sunda Gendut) and I am a Japos (Jawa Tepos). Jadi kita nggak sedaerah. But, wait! He lives in South Jakarta and so do I. Aha!
  2. rumah bagus -- this will depends on the amount of the HOP!
  3. banyak kawan -- tapi banyak pula musuh hahaha.
  4. pribadi bagus -- bagus.. baguss.. yak bagusss..
  5. bintang terang -- where where?
  6. apa yg diminta terkabul -- ameen
  7. jodohnya pengusaha -- well, Tumbe as can be seen on his pict, may looks like a tycoon. Mungkin kakek peramal salah tafsir. Hihihi. Maksa.
  8. makan yang suka senang -- ??? what is this???
  9. kawan sekolah baik, yang perempuan pandai yang laki biasa -- hahahahah girls, kalian pandai!
  10. bisa ke L/N -- if studying/working in Singapore is considered as Luar Negri.
  11. ada malaikat tolong -- where where? i wanna meet!

Whatta Looonngg Weekend!

My weight is 45.5! That's a wohooo!!!

Pulang kantor, tenggo dan langsung terbang ke Abuba. Laper Tumbbb.. laperrr.... sambil merintih kelaparan. Katanya Jakarta siaga 1, kok jalanan masih macet yah jam 7 malem :( Apakah semua menjadi ignorant? Setelah marah2 sama mbak2 Abuba yang lamanya luar biasa, makan rib-eye dan bersumpahhhh.. gak akan deh balik lg ke Abuba. Sebal!

Pagi2 leyeh leyeh dan menikmati Mbak Maritza. Nge-wax dl di Pondok Indah. Karena kurang rapih ngerjainnya, si mbak2 nawarin free under-arm di bikini wax selanjutnya.Hehehe aku pelit senang! Dijemput Tumbe, langsung lunch di Kedai, kemang. Tumbe sebal. Karena nggak ada makanan yg menarik hatinya. Mau pesen croissant coklat, gak ada. Pesen yg plain, dapetnya almond. Pesen butter... dapetnya segebong mentega....

dan.. blue band.. Hahahah. Tumbe sampe bilang ke mbak2nya. Mbak, kalo menteganya segini bisa buat bikin croissant selusin kali :)

Ternyata di Kedai lagi ada pasangan yg lg foto pre-wed. Tumbe senang bukan main krn si cewe berbodi semlohay... Tapi kemudian Tumbe tegang.. karena kok proses foto pre-wed susah yah.. "masnya nengok kekiri.. dagu diangkat dikit... jangan senyum.. yakkk... tahan.. eh bedakin dulu idungnya.. iya mass.. siap... jepret!" hihihi

Berharap proses photo shoot tercapture, apadaya, tangan kurang panjang

Abis makan, seperti biasa ngantuk. Rehat dulu yuk Tumbe naracap sabtu siangnyah.. bobok dulu yukkk di rumah masing-masing... Sore jam 8 Tumbe wakuncar (hihihhi) makanlah kita di Iga Gandaria. Tumbe loves the bbq sauce. Sampe disendokin dan dicemilin. Pulang, semua happy.

Lagi-lagi main uyel2an sama Maritza. Duh nih anak kok genit amat yahhhh...

Makan siang sama keluarga di Abuba (lagi) dan kecewa (lagi!). Udah panasss... gak enak lagi.. Padahal rencananya mo nraktirnya di Pasta de Waraku PIM ajah. Huhuhuhu.


Masih libur. Sedih ah. Mbak Ninit n fam berangkat. Om Tumbe baik hati, tanpa disuruh dan diprakarsai beliin Mbak Ninit, Maritza dan Adek Aqil topi yang lucu-lucu. Hebat jg Om Tumbe, katanya doi udah keliling toko nyari topi yg kembar. Jadi 3 krucils itu topinya kembar cuman beda ukuran. Walaupun gagal, tapi Mbak Maritza sepertinya begitu menikmati perannya menjadi pramugari stroberi.

Abis dr airport, makan di Santiga. Tak seenak biasanya. Tumbe kehilangan partner rebutan kerang rebus hihihi.


Udah pinjem handycam dan camera sama kakak ipar buat bulan madu! Yes.. irit! Nunggu hadiah kamera dari kantor Tumbe lama lahhhh masih Januari. Kl bahasa main kartu, posgun nih.. posgun! Posisi gundul! Mau beli gak butuh jg krn dapet, mau ga beli ga ada kamera. Hihihi.

Will Miss Moneypenny!

I just don't dare to talk and say these things face to face. I think it's the ego talking.

The fact is:
  1. we like to scream each other;
  2. we like to merengut to each other;
  3. u dont like it if I ask u to do something like open/close the curtain;
  4. i dont like to be asked to do something too like open/close the window;
  5. we both are not drama queen;
  6. but our lives are filled with drama;
  7. we both dont really like make up;
  8. and therefore our mom doesn't like it;
  9. we are good allies;
  10. we secretly rrr... dislike 'the annoying voice';
  11. but then we can do nothing :D;
  12. we are stubborn;
  13. i love you;
  14. and you love me.

Take care Mbak, I know u can beat the winter wind there. Call me when u need anything. Just like what I did when I was in Singapore. I will do anything. You know that. I'm on your back.

The Lebaran days won't be fun without u.

The wedding preparation period that I've been longing for also won't be that fun anymore.

But I know we'll have fun on November-December.

Sigh, it's been a while since our last trip to mall or beauty parlour. Let's do it this weekend and ignore the Siaga I status of Jakarta.

Moneypenny, U, just like our mother, are the best!

Infidelity Act

Our plan yesterday was to have the best nasi goreng kambing in Jakarta after work. Too bad the device blinked at 5.57 p.m and that caused me to be home at 12.30 a.m.

During the work, I observe my friend(s) behaviour(s). They are couple (and they are cute). I popped out a rhetorical question to them "is there anything better than this? having your boyfriend/girlfriend at the office?". They both grinned. Then I wondered. What a fabulous life it is when you are forced to work until late and you have your BF next to you and you can always giggle together. Ah, what a life.

After a pretty long work and curse I went to the place where I belong. This messy room. There, on the floor, is my phone. Lying down peacefully due to the vibration of 12 missed calls and 3 sms from Tumbe. Accusing that I must have been doing some kind of infidelity act that night since he failed to reach me both my cell and my office phone.

Some people would probably get annoyed by such accusation. Especially when they are tired. But, I proudly declared that I'm not! I replied the text and tried to call him back. Of course he had fallen asleep. So, I went home by taxi and told my mother about the funny story of Tumbe getting jealous. And I said to myself, what a wonderful life...

I am Marrying a Babah!

and the Babah is marrying an Inlander!

Sang Inlander mengalami permasalahan klasik, kuping caplang sebelah! Selain itu juga problematika kawula muda, belum keramas dan bokek untuk ke salon.

Fotonya di PIM, tempat kencan biasa.
Tumbe merengut karena beberapa hal dibawah ini:
  • sebal disisirin;
  • sebal liat eye shadow Jeng Cikim.

Another Task: Done!

chip and dale pager bagus dan pager ayu mini sudah siap...!

Mbak Maritza anggun bener :) bangga akuh sebagai mimi-nya

Kawin Siri

Di suatu senja..

Nat: "Mbak, kalo Mbak sendiri.. gimana rasanya? Kalo udah kawin siri gitu sebenernya udah nikah kan ya?"
Me: "!!!!!Anjrittt!!!!! Emang gue udah kawin siri?"
Nat: *bingung "loh.. iya kan? yg waktu itu?"

Buset! Pantesan aja gebetan2 gue di kantor ga ada yg bersambut! hihihih.. Sialan sialan!

Jadi, di bulan Oktober emang ada kue tart melimpah dirumah. Bokap ulang taun dan dapet beberapa loyang dr bank2 ibu kota. Sekalian jg abis dilamar. Berbagi rezeki, dibawalah ke kantor. Ternyata rumornya kawin siri. Kok bak artis? :p


I am planning to buy this today.. It's wedges, it's gold, it's on sale and it's hush puppies. Hahahaha.. Just perfect for the akad nikah.

The Kumis Bridal Shoes

As posted before, I found my bridal shoes!

I decided not to be trapped in the vicious circle of bridal thingies. I don't listen to the Tukang Kain that says: "Dilebihin aja Bu brokat-nya, untuk selop" or the persuation of the kebaya maker "Nanti selopnya berapa centi?" even if the kebaya maker says "kalo bikin semua kebaya-nya di aku bonus selop". Blah. Totally blah!

My point of view is this:
  1. selop pengantin HANYA akan dipakai SEKALI saja. At least for me. Does anyone want or plan to use the wedding kebaya for any kondangan? Not me. Thus, practically, those lovely selop will only be used, once;

  2. even if the kebaya maker is good on multi-tasking by also being selop maker (which is probably not.. they sub-con it to other party), there is still a chance of error in the making.. i.e.: hak-nya miring. By buying it in the dept. store, once u don't like it, u can always ditch it; and

  3. i hate the jargon of "come on, it's your wedding and it (hopefully) will be the one and only" from vendors.

This is it. Not too special, the white thing in the pic is some kind of fake diamond or crystal or i don't care. Part of seserahan from Tumbe and that makes it free. It matchs with the black Next clutch given by him.

I'll use this for the reception. In practice, people don't really notice on your shoes.

Saya pilih sepatu yang ada kumis-nya (pitanya kayak kumis hihih) karena lusa, saya pilih yang ada kumisnya!

Gold Wedding Ring

Tumbe likes it more than me. He opens the pic from my blackberry at his idle times. We prefer it to be gold as white gold fades into goldish as time goes by.

Souvenir Done!


At last.. Sitting in my corner and transferring some pics accompanied by My Mother's roti misjes tipis :D
I don't know where to start! Oh my! Let's start with souvenirs.

On Saturday, we hit Pasar Mester. Wuhuuu... Kali ini bawa supir. Daripada ada aral melintang. Combination of hell and heaven Pasar Mester is. It is hotter than hell, but the price keeps me in heaven. Hanya dalam 1/2 jam saja, urusan suvenir beres sudah. Tumbe bersimbah keringat.

Beginilah kira2 suvenir resepsinya. Just perfect! It goes along with our wedding colour theme, it's simple, small and has the java aura. What's inside the box? I won't tell u! Not because I want to surprise y'all.. it's a mass product anyway :D but I want u to feel the heat.. there.. inside the market!

With regard to the mass product thingy, don't worry I'll do something to personalize it. I hate mass product too.

We also suceeded to buy the akad nikah souvenir. Pink with cherry on top... What that might be? Now they are sitting at my mother's bedroom, inviting mosquitos.

Oh, please mind my bad manicured nail. I don't recommend Kuma*ri salon adjacent to RSP*.

Honeymoon Progress

Sepakat untuk mencicil keperluan honeymoon, nggak terasa ternyata udah 3 bulan terlewati :D. Bulan pertama, beli tiket pesawat ke Australia, bulan kedua beli voucher hotel di Sydney dan... bulan ini, alias barusan, beli tiket ke Bali :D

Jadi, pe ernya tinggal beli voucher hotel di Bali deh :) Cicilan-cicilan lain? Seperti sun-dress, the perfect honeymoon bag, tankini, bikini? Hahaha.. also in progress.

Ternyata nyicil (kecuali nyicil belajar dan kartu kredit) emang enak :D Nggak terasa, tau2 udah deh...

Pamer Quickie

Udah jam 12 malem, Tumbe udah keleleran nunggu dibawah.
Dapet hari pertama seperti biasa tanpa pemberitahuan.
Tinggal kirim imel.. JEBRETTT!!! Pulang deh :D

Tapi mau pamer dulu ahhh...
  1. we both are the lords of the rings! Beli di Kaliem Melawai. Murah sumpah :D gak nyampe 3 juta... warna emas karena kl perak jemari Tumbe jadi berkilau. Pake berlian? Nggak ah kayak om2 senang pake cincin ada mata2nya
  2. i got my wedding shoes! Beli di PIM. Murah sumpah! Gak nyampe gopek... (eh tp gratis deng..)Firm. Peep toe.
  3. i hate pasar mester. udah susah nyarinya, dapetnya cuman ketempelan ludah mas2 pasar. Buset dah.. ngeludah jangan di tangga penyebrangan napah mas?

Sekian. Ciao Bellaaaa...!


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