Hotel di Bali

Waktu dulu awal persiapan kawin, me and Tumbe menyiapkan bahan untuk dipresentasikan ke orang tua (gedung). I noted down the price (of course) and facility. Tumbe, sigh... made notes on the height of the ceiling :(

Sekarang, persiapan reservasi bulan madu, me and Tumbe mencari kesana-kemari hotel yang sesuai dengan budget dan keinginan. I once again noted down the price and facility. Tumbe, sigh... made notes on the width of the room :(

Kuta Paradiso

I like this one but the great tripadvisor forbid us to stay there.

The shortlisted candidates:

  1. Grand Hyatt Nusa Dua --> Tumbe has made a reservation during my masuk angin day. Thanks for that Tumb.. But it can be canceled 7 days before the D-date. Nice, but it's too remote for me.
  2. Nikko--> I like the scenery, but this one is the most remote hotel in Nusa Dua.
  3. Holiday Inn--> we like it a lot! It's brand new and located in Tuban. Too bad the room is only 32 m2. Tumbe refused to like it anymore.
  4. Melia --> too much bugs according to the great tripadvisor. We had a good deal on this actually.

We really are city persons, so we prefer Hotel than Resort or Villa.


Wiratama Somiadiredja said...

yes we are..:)

mircit said...

tiap ke bali gw nginep di kuta paradiso, tau deh napa, mungkin krn deket kali yah kemana2, pdhl gw benci banget ama pajangan lukisannya, spooky semuaaa

tp terakhir gw nginep disitu, gw bethe berat soalnya gw nginep di lantai 4, kalo ga salah itu lantai paling tinggi, terus pas malem2 ujan gitu, deras banget, eehh bocoor aja loh kamar gw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

happy honeymoon yahhhh

Nita said...

huaaaa males juga yah mir.. kl bocor :(

ya udah deh kl gitu si kuta paradiso dicoret ajah heheheh. Thanks dahling!

Miss de Saire said...

kalo gw prefer nusa dua buat honeymoon jeng.. =)
cobain novotel nusa dua deh..keren bgt dan yg pasti bangunannya baru 1tahuan lah. gw suka nginep disitu soalnya corporate rate kantor gw banting harga sampe 50% *ogi mode on* huheuheu

Nita said...

haaaa???? kok seru ya??

eh tp kl nusa dua gue bingung ngapain pas malemnya hehehhehe

astried&benget said...

ya kalo malem ngapain lg nit? pan lg hanimun.. gmn atuh neenngg

mircit said...

kok bingung sih nit...maen catur aja hauhahaha


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