Kelintjiputi Marcopolo!

Anak ini, Tumbelina, memang anak yang aneh.
Pengalaman boleh gaya.. berkelana di Amerikano selama 6 tahun.
Perut.. boleh tambun bak pemenang ulung pertandingan minum bir.
Tapi.. apalahdaya.. when it comes to liquor, he turns into.. Kelintjiputi!

Di suatu kawinan yang damai, Kelintjiputi kehausan setelah menghabiskan setumpuk kambing guling penuh kecap. Sang Kelintji langsung menyergap meja tempat minuman berada. Hap! Diraihlah segelas air. Gulp! Meluncur ke kerongkongan. Sekonyong-konyong, air mukanya berubah dan mengerenyit. Merasakan kepedihan seseorang yang minum dari gelas kotor/amis, sekonyong-konyong pula lah eik bertanya "kenapa? amis ya??" sambil tak kalah mengerenyitnya. Kelintji berwajah panik menjawab.. "SPPPRIITEEEE...!!!"
Ya elaaahh Kelintjiputi... masak sprite aje mengerenyitt?
Di suatu malam tahun baru, 2007, selayaknya pasangan yang hendak merayakan malam pergantian tahun di rumah, kami berbelanja makanan, scrabble dan....? Sebotol wine merrrahhh! Salahkan wine keluaran 1997 itu.. Kelintjiputi hanya meminum seteguk dan menyamaratakan kastanya dengan obat batuk rasa cherry!

Di suatu malam di Singapura, 23 Agustus 2008, my birthday, Kelintjiputi yang pemberani dan tangguh masih giat mencoba. Kali ini, pilihan jatuh pada.. Chardonnay dan sebagaimana diramalkan, Kelintji lagi-lagi undur diri.
Belum lagi peristiwa-peristiwa flavoured beer dan semua social drinks yang tampaknya cukup menorehkan bergores-gores trauma di lambungnya.

Dan pagi ini, via sms:

N: "Pingin wine tumbbb"

K: "Boleh, dimana? :)"

N: "Dimana aja... kan 2 taun 8 bulan. Parah jek. Lama aje"

K: "Ok"

Tuuhhh kan.. udah dibilangin.. walaupun kelintji, tapi Kelintjiputi ini Marcopolo.. Pemberani dan Tangguh!

To Pics or Not to Pics?

Circa 2004, di kala trend foto2 pre-wedding bertajukkan kawah-kawah antah berantah, berlari-larian di pantai dan berkejar-kejaran di ilalang.. di resepsi kawin Moneypenny, sudah terbentang foto2 masa kecil, foto keluarga, foto pake bikini kekecilan (waktu kecil pastinyaaa) dan foto acara akad nikah pagi hari. Yah.. kurang lebih seperti yang sekarang kerap kita liat di resepsi2 deh.

Cukup orisinil I must say. Ide siapa dulu dooong?? (jawaban: gadis berjarik dan berkonde jawa dengan tas Roxy penuh figura inih)

Tapi sekarang.... like everybody does that and it becomes hella tacky. Plus yuhuuuu.. welcome to the boooowwwrrriiinngggg ciittyyy!!!

Apadongapadongapadong dangdingdong?


That's what I want. Semoga dapat terwujud.

Pikkki... the Comedian Car

Selepas Four Seasons Hotel..

"Ooohh.. pikiiii... bodi masih baguuusss... warna masih cakeeppp.. oooohhh... begitu pendek umurmu pikiiiiii...."

- Mbak Ninit pasca telpun Bapak -


Bapak L, Bapak G dan Bapak S... terimakasih ya atas kesempatannya selama ini untuk menghabiskan jatah bandwith demi mampir ke situs2 aneh seperti, dan wedding-wedding lainnya. Mulai hari ini, saya berjanji tidak akan membuka situs-situs keparat yang dapat membuat ketagihan itu. Yah, mungkin intip-intip sedikit tidak mengapa.. :D

Tembusan: IT LGS

Menjadi Anak Wiratama

Jadi, ogut masuk nih di majalah 'sahabat para wanita' di rubrik karir.
Foto dah ciamik, menampakkan kedewasaan yang terpancarkan melalui kalung mutiara.
Mulai membaca bagian batang tubuh artikel...
Yada.. yada... yada....
Bullshit bullshit bullshit... njelimet njelimet njelimet...
Hiperbola hiperbola hiperbola...
All are tolerable. Namanya juga wartawan..

Sekarang bagian evaluasi...

  1. Menurut majalah itu, krn semua anggota keluarga lulusan hukum, maka keluarga adalah sumber inspirasi utama bagi Nita. Which is pretttt....! Bahkan terlintas di pikiran aja kagak... kok bisa ditulis begitu yaaa?
  2. I believe, this is my Karma of being judgmental to those lulusan Amerika dengan bahasa inggris minim ataupun cercaan terhadap tulisan2 orang. Di bagian judul, awal dan akhir artikel, ditulis DENGAN KUTIPAN bahwa si narasumber ini bilang "law is A BEAUTIFUL SCIENCE IN THE WORLD". ALamakkk jannnnn... secara konten aja dah salah... hihihi apalagi secara gramatikalll... hahahhaha maluuu maluuuuu....
  3. Dan pemenang jekpotnya adalahhhh.......tertera dengan jelas di artikel sebagaimana berikut: "anak ketiga dari pasangan Soesa*do Marm* Sudjo*o dan WIRATAMA SOMIDIREDJA ini blabalbala". Bujuuuttt.. kenapa gue jadi anaknya si Tumbelina begini???

Yahhh... di kala krisis ekonomi begini, hiburan memang perlu. Yang ini cukup menghibur kok :) Yang pasti si Tumbelina namanya jadi masuk majalah.. dan pagi2 dapet sms dari eike "selamat pagi mama wiratama.. apa kabar hari ini?"

I Gave Up

with Busway.. :(
Sumpah yah bok.. itu bis dari kuningan sampe ragunan AC-nya MATI! Atopiloh.... pantes pas bisnya menuju halte, ada semerbak kebauan yg menyengat! Hampir pingsan gillinnggg!!! Dehidrasi parah hingga kini.

Aku ga kukuuuuu aaaahhhh! lebih baik menggenjot daripada digenjot!

Strit&Me. Sentimental Reasons

Me: Strit...
Strit: Haloo.. (lirih dan lemas)
M: Hah? lg ngapain lo strit?
S: Tidur Puspi.... badan rontok semuaaa
M: Heh? ada abang?
S: ya iyalah puspiii
M: hahahahaha.. yang bener lo? ada abang di samping kamuuu?
S: iyaaa.. (sambil tampak menggerutu)
M: hahahahahah gilaaa astriiiiidddd
S: kenapalah? capek amat nih akuu
M: buset.. kamu masih menunaikan kegiatan malam pertama strit?
S: ya iyalah...

You are considered as a sentimental person when you are involved in such conversation with tears on your eyes. Congratulations Strit!

Ramalan Mama Loreng - 5 Tahun Lagi

Got this email from Neng Yanik this morning:

Mama Lauren Meramal..Jika Dik herry terlampau keras bekerja maka : Dik Herry 5 tahun lagi akan kembali berkarir ke alam belantara :

Awas sar.. nanti kalo kamu kebanyakan fitness.. 5 taun lagi kata mamah laureen jadi gini nih

Puspita Menempuh jalur Musik Keras….

Yani dikala merenung kesambet dan kembali ke zaman purba


Yesterday, we watched The Zohan at Subtitles Dharmawangsa.

Today, I think I met The Zohan at the bus packed with FPI members. Well, that was a head turnover by the way.

I dont mess with the Zohan, I gave him my seat at Kuningan Madya :p

Im an Alien

wira*ama.somi*diredja@ex* to me show details 2:32 PM (3 minutes ago) Reply

Masya Allah
kurang gede rambut km
kaya alien dr planet rambut gede
km nih

Malam Mah...

Di tengah2 acara resmi, Kanjeng Ibu meraih mike seraya berucap:
"mulai sekarang tidak ada kata tante dan om. Tami musti manggil Bapak dan Mama"
That shall means vice versa. Definit. Dalam kurun waktu 1 semester ga mau main ke rumah Tumbelina S*miadiredja. Hihihihi.
Sore menjelang malam, Tumbelina S*miadiredja sang pejantan tangguh menelpun. Bukan sulap bukan sihir, Kanjeng Ibu-lah yang mengangkat.
Kanjeng Ibu: "Haloo..."
Tumbelina S*miadiredja: "Halo ng... Malam Mah"
KI: "HAHAHHAHAH.. Malaaaamm Taaamiiiiiiiii"
TS: "Nitanya ada Mah"
KI: "HAHAHHAHA adaaa adaaa.. sebentar yaaa"
Menggantung gagang telpun, tertawa dan memberi pengumuman..
"Tami bilang "Malam Mah!" hahahahahhah"
Tertawa disambung oleh Om Om dan Tante Tante serta Sepupu2ku yang kucrit2.


Just got this yesterday!

Main Objectives:

  1. To keep my mom healthy by playing virtual tennis

  2. To keep my .. rrr... (well, his) wallet healthy by spending saturday night at home

  3. To provide a little bit of entertainment subsequent to my engagement party traumas

  4. To learn how to cook properly by playing "COOKING MAMA"

It is funny to read that this console helps people from strokes and used for the elderly in the U.S. Let's see whether this is another over-rated device or not.


A Roller with 192 special gold plated fine needles producing microchannels into skins. Micro channels create collagen fibers naturally by stimulating tissues & micro-blood vessels. It allows skin treatment creams to be delivered to the skin.
That's what I bought last weekend!
I have quite deep scars on both my cheeks. The dermatologist asked me to get this dermaroller with omigod very sharp 192 needles. Idenya adalah menorehkan luka baru supaya jaringan2 baru lebih bersemangat untuk memperbaiki dirinya sendiri.
Cara pakai: Oleskan krim as prescripted, roll seluruh muka sampai 10 kali.
Doakan akuh! Sumpe.. sakit! Once again, welcome to the place where beauty is pain!


Ketika beginian

bertemu dengan beginian

bersama yang ini

dan ditambah lagi dengan yang ini...

bukan salah boenda mengandoeng jika terdapat percakapan ini

Sari: "bentar dulu dah nih.. gue lagi men-sms calon bapak anak anak gua nih"

Heri: "mana coba terakhir bilang apa?"

S menunjukkan sms terakhir yang berisikan pembahasan kelas kakap tentang makro ekonomi berikut ungkapan si calon bapak bahwa dirinya sudah masuk selimut.

Heri: yeeeee sms isinya beginian lagi.. gimana mau dapet??

Sari: yah begimana sik her?

Heri: "jawab "mau dooong jadi selimutnyaaa.."!"

Nita: "taiah.. najong lu her... mampus anak orang"

Yani: "nit.. hentikan ini.. cewe kite malu dah"

Heri: "kagaakk coba dah lu kirim"

Sari: "bener yakkk gue kirim dah nih yah..."

Meja kecil starbucks Budi Faith tampak turut deg2an menanti jawaban dari sang calon bapak.

SMS Calon Bapak: "anget dooongg"

SMS Sari: "global warming dong?"

SMS Calon Bapak: "beruang kutub kabur!"

Seharusnya dibales "asal kamu ga kabur yah!" HAHAHHAHAHAHHAH

untung si S memutuskan untuk mengakhiri dengan elegan.. "Haha. talk to u tomorrow!"

Pulang dengan bahagia dan bangga.. karena si S memiliki amunisi baru untuk mengakhiri kegiatan sms besok malam...

S: "malem malem gini enaknya minum jus apa ya?"

Calon Bapak: "jus apa dong maunya?"

S: "jus wanna say good nite"


Tenar Sejenak

1.45 a.m
Lobby Menara Imperium

Satpam: "Eh Mbak, udah lama gak keliatan"
Me: "heheh iya nih Pak."
S: "denger2 sekolah ya?"
M: kaget. ge er. "hehe iya nih.. yuk Pak.. pulang dulu"

Senyum2 di taxi. Mendadak tenar.

14045 v Bakmi Santa

Melembur, lapar, menilpun 14045, memesan, terdiam, mengingat masa lalu, melembur, lapar, dikirim, bakmi santa.


Back to the place where fresh water is served every morning on my desk and I dont have to wash my mug before hitting the road home.

Don't Steal My Future Baby Name!

I found it! I found it!

My future baby's name.
It's been changing for like errr.. thousands time since I was 10 y.o.
Won't tell u the name cos I know u're so gonna steal it! hihihih

Some Updates

It's Jumat already. Huhuhu. Everything went well and sentimental. I had free lunches and dinners all the week. Aren't they sweet? My boss even took me and my mom for a fancy dinner and a hella long chat.

It's a good thing that my mother is here. She helps me on getting through my pagi-pagi menerawang as the main result of a sweet resignation.

5:27 a.m. Facebook is boring, friendster is even worse and I need to keep my eyes open to catch my flatmate and ask her to do this cessie thing after pagi pagi nagih utang.

Oh, by the way I met the 2009 NUS Indonesia grad students this evening. I regret that I did mine last year. Oh what the hell!

Resigning = :(

I never thought resigning would be this hurt. :(

Singapore's James Bond to Me

For my dear friend the highly talented, very very humble, gracious, articulate, affable, impeccable, very adorable, highly respectable and wonderful
who with her virtue is certainly GOD's very precious gift to her country INDONESIA, our beautiful and world respected country, SINGAPORE, to HUMANITY, the legal profession and all close and dear to her. I wish you the very best of luck, health, happiness and prosperity forever and SALUTE you for your virtues

11th September 2008

gombalan dari seseorang yang kehidupannya dituangkan dalam otobiografi sebagaiii.. Singapore's James Bond ... Hahhahahaha... Detektif boookkkk.. Dunia sudah gila!

Mengejar Mas Mas

Just got back from a business function. Exhausted.
My firm asked me to join this so-called-socialite organisation. (I met Pribadi family hahaha).

It was held in a prestigious club house, there were only 20 people attending, good sofas, great ambience, good choice of music, good food & everybody talked in low-voices.

The attendees are business person which also includes young enterpreneurs. Most of them are men, with suit, beard, gym-body or premium jeans (tumbelina will be curious on this) and shirts.

Frankly speaking, a great place, a really great place to find a prospective BF/Fiancee/Husband. They run their own companies. That's a good deal :) As long as you dont mind standing there, pretend to be smart and listen to their jokes (which involves the difference between Harvard and MIT) with flirty gesture, it wont be a hard task.

Interesting social life.

But, to be frank I'd rather going back home and mengejar mas mas. Ya nggak Mas Tumbe?

My Deepest Condolences

Yesterday, Bu Hartini a.k.a Bu Pompom passed away. She was my math teacher during my first year of high school. A very sweet one.

Terimakasih Bu Pompom, semoga Ibu diterima di sisi-Nya..

Today, Gouw Giok Siong alias Sudargo Gautama passed away. He, is doktor (with capital D and capital R) di usia 20-an dan laki laki cina yang membela negara melalui jalur hukum(through Tembakau Bremen case).

Orang yang sedemikian disegani, baik dalam hal kuliah, pengajuan judul skripsi, ujian skripsi.. hingga... penulisan referensi untuk melanjutkan studi ke jenjang berikutnya.

His books are genius I must say. I even had his books as my toilet reading since I was SMP (tentunya pinjem punya moneypenny).

Rest in Peace Prof Go..

Pro Bono

Imil2an hari ini:
Me: Aku nanti malem pro bono sampe jam 9.30 ya.
Him: Ok, aku pro bono jam 3.00 ya

Pamer doi bisa balik jam 3 selama bulan puasa :(

So, I went to the pro bono clinic. Kutebus segala kebejatankuhhh. Disaat teman2 melakukan volunteering di LBH Jakarta dan diri ini lebih memilih bermain capsa dan mabuk2an.

Kuterabas hujan lebat di Singapura demi tujuan mulia membantu community menegakkan hukum. hahahaahha

I enjoyed it so much as I feel like playing doctors. I mean, I sat there inside the room, waited for the clients to come. Listened to their story, nodded, took note, talked and wrote the so-called-prescription.

I enjoy playing doctor as I enjoy seeing the snob girlfriend, the shaking hard worker auntie, the traitors, the landlord and all of the dramas behind.

pagi tempe sore dele - the contemplation

Yah.. tinggal ditunggu tanda2 dari yang Diatas. Dalam bentuk apapun. Hahaha drama. I got 1 sign though. Hahaha.

Pagi Tempe Sore Dele

Dear Third Floorers,

A Special Request

As tomorrow Friday, 29 August will be the last day of our current Punctuality Policy Incentive Programme, I would like to request all who are working on the same floor as myself (3rd floor) to make a special effort to come in on time tomorrow, i.e. by 9 am.

On several occasions, we had missed 100% punctuality by a cat’s whisker. So very near and yet so far! For those who have been trying their best and managed to arrive on time I know that there is quite a bit of disappointment.

I hope to see that we can at least achieve punctuality as an operating unit for one day. So here is what I am proposing.. If indeed we can achieve 100% punctuality tomorrow, not only will there be a free breakfast on Monday, I will treat the entire floor to lunch at Jumbo! At a time convenient for all.

How’s that? I look forward to buying the lunch. I need not turn up if the lunch will be more enjoyable for you.

Can be done?

Kind regards, Michelle on behalf of Mr Ng
Gimana nggak makin pagi tempe sore dele*? Punya bos kebapak-an dan lucu begini?

Ah, I better get some beauty sleep now.. for the sake of the best chilli crab in Singapore!

*)A Javanese proverb that describes people who change their minds easily and sometimes too often.

Birthday Wishes


Yiippppiiii!!! I don't care with the merchandise... yang pentiiingg.. pengakuan bahwa tulisan ogut ciamiiikkkk!!! :)

Epilator - Review

After a year of contemplation, I finally bought epilator last Saturday. Philips Satinelle Soft HP 6408.
Price: 54 Sgd
From: Mustafa ahe aheeee!
Color: Strawberry Pink
Okay, let's get it done!
As I reached home, I rushed into Dinda's room and reported to her that I just bought one of the world's greatest inventions. I opened the box and turned it on. Suddenly, me and Dinda stop laughing. OMAIGOD!!! The voice was so intimidating.
As a brave girl I am, I turned the speed into fast (which means super fast) and started to epilate my leg. Wihuuuu.. I can promise you dear... it feels more or less like shaving.. Forget that exaggerating review about the pain. It felt comfortable I must admit. Yes it caused red dots and chicken skin appearance for a while. But it only last for an hour or less.
As a second base, I tried to epilate my underarm. Well, this one was so-so. The massaging pink balls don't seem to work for my skin. I stretched the skin as strech as possible. FYI, I used to wax when I was in Jakarta. I think I am used to the idea of pain, pluck and roots. So, no biggie.
Then, I moved on to the third base. Bikini. I couldn't finish it. I think both me and my skin need more practice on this.
Darlings, welcome to the time when the price of beauty is pain. I am definitely so going to buy epilator again when this one is retired. The upgraded one will do :)
Frankly, I love my strawbery pink epilator so much that I spent the whole weekend in my room and (try to) epilate everything. Seeing those stupid hairs fall down from its root satisfies me.
Note: Kenapa sih orang Indonesia jarang yg review epilator? Para bule kan suka berlebihan kl review.. yg sakit bgtlah yg apalah... Kalo orang kite kan lebih tahan banting boookkk :D

Induksi- Gagal Suragal

Yak teman temann.. induksi Moneypenny dinyatakan GAGAL! Setelah melalui 3 kali proses induksi, si jabang bayi tampaknya masih betah di perut si Moneypenny. Alhasil, doi cuman nginep semalem trs puuulaangg dehhh.. kok ga seru ya??

Btw, berdasarkan film Quickie Express, kalo bayi di perut ibunya lebih lama dr yg seharusnya (seperti bayi si Moneypenny) nantiiii.. anunya bakal gedeee!!! hahahahahahah. Si Tora Sudiro sih ngakunya 9.5 bulan.

Reaksi Moneypenny dikabarin tentang fakta penting ini.. langsung seneng... ck ck ck ...


Hari ini, Moneypenny di induksiiii!!! Doaken yaa!

Bak Om Senang

I just think my blog is too plain. Too much words. So, I garnish it with the pic of Om Senang

SMS of the Day

Now it's time for me to sleep.

"Nita lagi ngapain? Mama tau nita ngga ada pulsa, ngga usah dibalas ngga papah. Hati mama kosong!"

Guys.. come on! How can I extend my stay here??

Thought of the Day

Cooongg.. produktif amat nih semalem 4 posting hahahahah

Ketika orang ngga punya uang, biasanya doi bakal ngebayangin gimana kalo punya uang banyak. Mau ngapain aja. For me. It's as simple as A B C. First, is of course my mother. Cliche. I mean, u know the blablabla of making your mother happy. Second, is my moneypenny. Yes darling. Jangan ge er luh. Both are my everything. Just now, I found my number 3. It's my uncle. Om Gun or previously (like when I was 3 or 4 or 5) was Om Du.

Yep.. the one with a hella big moustache and beard. Why?

Because I just realised how much he cares my fam a lot. Rumahnya cukup jauh, Tangerang. But once u need him? Wuzzz wuzzz. He'll be there.

Berkaca-kaca "Ooommm besok sidang skripsiii"
Nangis "Ooooomm besok endoskopiii"
Berkaca-kaca "Oooom B**** blablabalbal"
Tercenung "Oooom ini kerjaan gimana ya Om?"
Nyengir2 menipu "Oooomm.. beli kamera aku yaaa... 1.2 juta ajaaa (harga asli 1.3 juta 3 tahun yg lalu)"

Ah, i lop yu Om lah pokoknyah.

Email of the Day


You have hit pay dirt. Pass me the cases asap. Thanks.

Best Regards

Compliment of the Day

He came without prior notice. Straightly opened my room and gave instructions.
In the middle of his so-called-speech, he stopped. Pointing something on my desk.
"Wow, that's a smart bag!" said the leading individual for corporate and M&A.

Wihuuuu sapa dulu dong yg beliinnnn ya ga miiilll?? :D

Lessons of the Day

Pulang kantor, menghambur keluar pintu. Cetak cetok cetak cetok. Untung si sepatu sudah tidak berdrama lagi. Sudah bisa kompromi. Semakin cepat... diakhiri dengan berlari di tengah malam. Tengok kanan.... bebas? Terjang lampu merah! Tengok kiri.. tunggu sampai bis itu lewat dan terjaanggg... Berlari dengan langkah kecil berkat pencil skirt yang begitu mengigit. Menuju tangga jalan, berlari di tangga jalan. Tap kartu. Lari. Hosh hosh... Masih 8 menit datangnya MRT terakhir. Phiuh...

Lesson(s) of the day:
1. Run when u need to run, walk when u need to walk and of course, sit when u r tired.

Oh.. and

2. Jangan terlalu malas reimburse taksi.

Malesss bangettt deeehhh kerrrjjaaaa!

Epilator for Him

Like all men, La Bamba is not great with pain.. So I will use Philips Satinelle Ice Epilator to epilate his armpit.. Peace Bambaaa!!!

Ring Ring

My first cell phone was a turquoise blue t10s ericsson . yesss.. the IT phone at that time (circa 1998). I succeeded to loose this phone by a heroic scene of mine at HSK. It was raining and the committee should gather into circle to pray to the God to stop the rain. I did. And practically left my t10s at one of those random tables. The rain stopped, the t10s gone.

Subsequently, I managed to buy another turquouise blue ericson t10s. Black market. Rp. 1.250.000. with blood and tears (and of course the guilty feeling of lying to my mother). The flip broke down but what the heck, I kept using my t10s. In fact, the incident brought me benefits (in relation to gebet menggebet). One of them bet that there is an original flip and I said no no its not original.. and Hanamasa treat on him! Many of them brought the topic "what happen to ur flip" as ice breakers.

One fine morning, I was woken up by a strange voice. It was a phone ringing so bloody loud. Who's phone is that? MINE!!! My father surprised me by inserting my sim card to this cool ericson shark! I was quite a tomboy by then so shark was the coolest! Somehow, I lost it again on Plaza Senayan fitting room. This time, I confessed.

Then I was given an indigo blue nokia 3115. I love the sejuta umat phone. I am madly in love with it.. it has moving features in it! (ha ha) I made pictures and pictures… of course with the green-black screen. I cannot recall what happened, but I switch to the older version, which is dark blue nokia 3110. I promise u. This is the best cell phone ever! It has a very comfortable tuts, so user friendly and really is a shock resistant. I used this from my college year until my working year. When everybody has color screen, mp3, camera, blue tooth, mine is still the most classic yet beautiful one.

My friends started to complained. Why don't u change ur phone.. ablbalba it's malu-maluin balbalabla.. what the heck.

Until one day, one of my complaining friends cursed "Jelek banget sih henfon lo? Najis." A few days later, he bought me a new one. Coincidentally, a woman version of my Boyfriend's Motorolla v3. Yesss……

At the same month, Bank Niaga sent me a phone that is so not user friendly. I cannot access last dialed number, I cannot insert address book to sms, I cannot forward number, I cannot save sms. Crap! But it's free :)

So, I gave the shocking pink Motorola v3 to my mother and I started to use this ugly phone. But even this ugly phone had a role as an ice-breaker when this American boy stared at her and said "wow.. ur phone is so cool! What's that?" I starred back blankly. "Sony Ericsson, free from my bank" blablabal ended up he asked me to go for a vacation to Australia…

Haahh… masa muda oh masa muda yang bergelora… Gonna miss those moments

Stupidity at Work

"Nit, tolong kamu bikin memo tentang wealth management"
"Ok bang"
Sambil mencatat Memo on Wild Management... kata2 wild dilingkarin.

"talk about bassel II and it's implementation"
"ok Bill"
Sambil mencatat Puzzle II and impl... kata2 puzzle dilingkarin.


Last night, I skipped the club and went back home so I can chat with that guy. Got home at 3.30, he remained silent. Ah, already kemulan.

Today, I skipped the ngupi2 part two and went back home so I can chat with the same guy. Got home at 0.08, he remained silent. Ah, kemulan again.

La bambaa... hummmmm.... huuuummmmm (trying to wake him up with the power of telepathy)

KPK is Sizzling HOT!

Not only that it does it tasks in a very dramatic manner (which u know i love) but also it appears that my favorit agency (officials) do have strong right brain!

KPK is planning something really creative! Their idea is to put on special clothes for special people! Corruption clothes for the Corruptors! How awesome is that?

I am wondering bout the design and of course.. the wording. I'd prefer "maaf, saya makan uang anda" or just plainly "tersangka koruptor" hmmm...

That's my friend... is a realistic way to bombard corruption. We dont need wrinkly-white-hair guy* talking shits about corruption. All we need is action. And this idea is certainly a strategic one. Simple idea with effective 'efek jera'.

I have to admit that I admire the elegance of Ayin during her trials. Let's see if the elegance comes from her clothes or really her aura. I mean... come on people, we judge the book by its cover.

*) inspired by Paris Hilton v McCain

The Drama of My Acne Medication

First of all, I would like to say my gratitudes to the all related parties and my Tante Tien for her advice.

So here is the chronology:
Thursday night, I ate 7 durians.
Saturday morning, I cut my hair short and it may became one of the factors of my breakouts due its existence on my cheeks constantly.
Saturday noon, I went to the bank and realized that my cheek hurts. Ah.. just the ussual acne I am on my period anyway. At home, I discovered 3 of them starring back aggressively from the mirror.
Saturday Night, I went to Siloso Beach and partied. I had wines.
When I got home, there are 9 of acnes on my right cheek.
Sunday morning, I woke up with 15 acnes on my right cheek and another prospective 8 acnes on my left. Shoot!
I rushedly went to the market and bought some Chinese herbs and made chicken soup with lotsa carrots and tomatoes.
Sunday evening, I had deadline at 8 and 11 p.m. I called my sister and my mother. I cannot helped it when it comes to my mother. I cried. "Mamaaahh.. jerawat aku ada banyak bangetttt… kayak jerawat2 di tivi2 itu loh maaah yang kalo digosok gosok telur nanti trs sama dukunnya dipecahin ada keluar kalajengking ama penitinyaaaa.. huhuhu." And then, I called my dermatologist in Indonesia. "Dokter.. blbalbalabal" I cried. The doctor replied "ah kamu abis dicium kali nihh? Bilang doong.. kalo nyium jangan nyeruduk gitu mainnya" hihihih. He gave me the prescription and I asked my 9 month pregnant sister to buy them from the clinic. As always, the prego lady was very casually helpful.

During my unfinished deadlines, I buzzed my friend on Yahoo Messenger. "penting nih.. mau bantuin ga?" "mau. Kenapa?" balbalbaabla.. "ok, besok jam 10 aku beli obatnya terus aku kirim pake fedex" P E R F E C T!

Then my friend smsed me. She said that she was in Jakarta and planning to go back tomorrow 11.a.m. Well, kenapa ngga titip aja?

On the next day, mission accomplished. Involving 1 prego lady, 1 ticketed journalist, and 1 fainted lady in Melawai.


So, my journalist friend who bought the medication got ticketed, my friend who will bring the medication to Singapore fainted on Melawai market and the prego lady made 5 international calls, called 2 strangers and acted as the master of the game.

Ah, what a drama.

Jerawat 9 Biji!

Mungkin karena rambut baru yang menusuk pipi..
Mungkin juga karena makan terlalu banyak goreng2an..
Atau bisa jadi karena lagi 'dapet'..
dan habis makan duren 7 biji
atau karena ke pantai malem2?

9 biji di pipi kanan!
padahal pipi kiri dah blonyok ginih..
diapain ya? dapet asupan krim muka masih 20 hari lagi dari Bung Tamil :(
lama ya bookkkk!

Self-Hair Cut

My ambition is to have a self-hair cut. I did! With the help of Madame Vicky of course. No tutorial from youtube. No tips. No hair-blow.

Hungry Ghost Month

1st August.

Aiyooh... it's been a year since I step my foot here. It's Hungry Ghost month again. Heaven and hell's doors are open thus the ghosts fly down to the earth and... be around us!

It's amazing for me because Im not scared at all to stay alone at the whole unit apartment (due to the TGIF and paycheck day, my flatmates decided to go out and I decided to kemulan).

The fact is, I am the hungry ghost. I eat like... a lott!!! Last night, I even had 7 pieces of durian as dessert :) not to mind the 2 pieces of cookies from Subway, banana cake and of course... Milo!

Morning Greeting

"Good Morning Father!"

One line sentence and two regrets in mind.

First, I was expected he would reply "Good morning my child, God bless you and your family" and touch my forehead or cheek or whatever and I bow.

Second, if only his crime was a bit more dramatic (like a child molester or a rapist) so that I can add some spices in my dear blog. I can simply write "OMG, I'm so scared to go out of my room... he's there.. the rapist!"

Father xxxx was freed from Changi Prison on Thursday and placed on home detention scheme.The 59-year-old priest will spend the remaining eight months of his jail term at his brother's home.

He will only be allowed to travel from his home to his workplace at law firm Cxxx Nx & Pxxxxx, where he starts work on Monday. He can stay outdoors only from 9 am to 6 pm to go to work under the home detention scheme.

xxxx was sentenced to 7 1/2 years jail in 2004 for misappropriating $5.1 million in church funds while serving as a parish priest at St Teresa's Church. He has served about four years and earned a one-third remission on the term for good behaviour.

Cxxxx Nx & Pxxxxx last week received clearance from the High Court to hire xxxx as a litigation-support executive. The court's approval was necessary because he will be joining the law firm as a former offender. In his new job, xxxx will not be allowed to handle clients' monies.

Taken from

Financial Planning

Now, I urgently need a planning.

  • it's 26 on the calendar;
  • the date that is circled is 31;
  • 5 days to go;
  • EZ-link card balance: 5.33;
  • two way transportation fare home-office, office-home per day: 2.66;
  • need to top up.. or use coins :(
  • will have seminar on the 30th, means free lunch. One is down;
  • 3 lunches to go!
  • money I have: 7.

Issue: You tell me!

Application: Tell me more!

Conclusion: Ngaaaahhhh..! Mati awaaakkk!!!

Nostalgia si Kerempeng, Mamah dan Kakak Tajir

Berasal dari keluarga yang biasa biasa aja membuat kami tidak pernah mendapatkan segala sesuatunya dengan instan. (mulai deh ngembeng)

Waktu kecil dulu, Barbie adalah hal yg sungguh hip. Berapa boneka yg saya punya? 3 maksimal. semua kado. Beli sendiri? No way jose! It's just too damn expensive for a stupid yet beautiful toy. Rumah Barbie? Tidak punya. Mobil Barbie? Apalagi. Tapi saya punya meja rias Barbie (tentunya hadiah) yang sekarang masih ciamik dilungsurkan ke Maritza (tp dia tampak enggan memainkannya :( oh nooo)

Agak gede sedikit. Attari sungguh ciamik. Saya cuman main paling banter 4 kali. Si Abang dapet lungsuran dari seekor bule dan beberapa hari setelahnya.. wuzz wuzzz rumah kami terbakar :D
Tapi, punya SEGA sih. Ini karena udah kepincut berat dan termimpi mimpi. Di dalam mobil, memberanikan untuk memecah keheningan "Pak, Nita beliin SEGA dong" 5 kata ajah.. ehheheh

Kelas 6 SD, saatnya roller blade memegang peranan. Kepinginnya gila gilaan. Sampe dijabanin panas 3 hari. Sang mamah dengan polos bertanya ke Prof. Moeslichan. Prof ini dia lg pingin banget roller blade.. gimana menurut Prof.. aman gak?" tentunya diamini dengan senyum simpul nan bijaksana. Setelah itu, si gadis kecil kerempeng pun melingkari iklan california pro di meja Bapaknya. Dan wuzzz... meluncur (hanya di dalam rumah) dengan semua pengaman bak Robocop. Oh iya, demi efisiensi, si Kerempeng kecil membeli ukuran kaki 44. Mengapa? Tentu agar si Big Foot di rumah bisa juga merasakannya. Baek ya bok guee...

Sang Mamah, paling tau yang si Kerempeng mau. Ketika yang namanya jam Baby-G begitu tenarnya. Si Kerempeng bahkan tak punya niat sedikitpun untuk meminta.. Terlalu mahal untuk sebentuk jam tangan. Tapi, lagi lagi Mamah bisa mendeteksi. Mendengar adanya launching G-Shock di Pondok Indah Mall, si Kerempeng diajak si Kakak Tajir (krn selalu ada duit utk jajanin doi) kesana dan didorong sang Mamah. Sang Kakak Tajir bertanya.. "bagusan yang kuning-biru apa biru muda ta?" "mm ga tau deh Mbak.. yg biru muda feminin ya.. kalo gue sih sukaan yg biru-kuning lebih macho"..... Guess what happened? Nah... it's too predictable. Sang Kakak Tajir membawa si biru-kuning ke cashier dan membayarkan Rp. 350.000.. Si kerempeng melongo. Ternyata ada kong kalingkong antara Sang Mamah dan Sang Kakak Tajir.

Beranjak ABG, Si Kerempeng dan Si Kakak Tajir memiliki sifat yg sama dalam memilih mobil. Kami hanya memilih warna. Pokoknya yg paling murah aja. Yang penting bisa jalan :D Rebutan mobil? Tidak pernah ada tuh...

Beranjak dewasa, tiba saatnya memilih milih baju kerja. Saya, yang tetap kerempeng, dan Mamah bergerilya di Mall. Melongo melihat sebuah blazer Invio coklat dengan ikat pinggang kulit yang tertempel permanen berbentuk pita. Melongo. "Keren bgt ya mah!" "Iya... tapi mahal ya". Pulang dengan tangan kosong. Tapi benar adanya, yang namanya jodoh ga akan kemana. Akhirnya si coklat kebeli juga. Dan hingga kini menjadi andalan utk interview. Membelinya? Benar2 butuh keringat. It's already been 5 years and it's still performing hella good!

Hahhh.. Malming malming nostalgia nih judulnya hahaha. I lop yu Mamah and Kakak Tajir!

Lembur oh Lembur

I believe, nobody likes it. Especially when you won't get any overtime money.
But, trust me.. Go to the young lawyers' group.. and you will find them complaining plus showing off. Stay a little bit longer there, and they will talk about the complicated transactions and how they deal with that. Okay, hang on there.. please stay for another few minutes.. if you were drown to the very green one, they will talk about their rates. Talking a lil bit further about rates, I know this guy, a lawyer working in the most prestigious firm back in Jakarta. One day, this Lawyer went to the office using TransJakarta buss. His decision of taking mass transportation in J-Town made hm have to wait for an hour to get the bus. What happened next? He shouted angrily to the poor Mbak-Mbak. "Mbak ini bisnya lama banget sih??? WAKTU SAYA BERHARGA!! SAYA DIBAYAR PER-JAM!!" ---------------------------------- sigh, excuse him.
I dont like it. But, somehow people thinks its cool. Even if u talk to their family, the templates will be the same. Complaining plus showing off.

Don't get me wrong. I am young. I am the greenest. But I'm so not gonna complain and show off at the same time. I prefer to do them in inseparable manner :D

Let's draw some lines:

  1. you are so damn important that the firm asks u to extend your office hour;
  2. the thing u r doing is deadly urgent and also.. confidential. sst..sst..;
  3. u r tired as hell, but u love ur pay;
  4. which means it's huge;
  5. and everybody would now that when ur pay is good, there would be no OT money.

ha ha ha

Why does this happen?
One of my professors once gave us an advice during his lecture.. "Ladies.. don't do lawyering. Why? Because pregnancy would be harder for lawyers than other profession. Why? Of course... because you work until very late.. and you will be supplied good coffee beans blended in a good coffee machine.

Take a look at the below conversation between a boss and his/her new lawyer.
B: How are u?
E: Great, I went home at 11 pm
B: Ah.. that's early! sometimes balbalablabla

Or this:
Job Interview
Prospective Boss: Are u willing to work late?
Prospective Lawyer: Of course Sir.
PB: Good.. because here, you might stay at the office like for.. hmm.. two days.. (laughed with pride)

No wonder!

*)based on my observation and of course.. generalization. Peace yo!


I knew it! Jordan and Joey are the stars. Back to the years when those new kids were the most gorgeus creatures on this planet, li'l nita candy-eyed Jon. Why? Of course becos he looked wise. and also (almost) the oldest member. and also he's Jordan's big bro. Who's urs?

I remember watching NKOTB vids at my cousin's house. We put one pillow each at our backs. Prepare for the scene when Jordan would open his shirts, screamed... and fainted at our pillows. Not being exaggerate, but we did it like 7 times a day.

Ngembeng Ngembeng...

Sungguh malaaasss...
Mau nangis ajah..
Mau diundur aja Mamaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
I want it to be specialll..
Bukan beginiii
*ngembeng ngembeng

Alio e Olio

Parah jek!! Bangga bener nih.
Bak ibu rumah tangga.
Bangun pagi, rebus spaghetti, kecilin api, pupi. heuahehuae.
Selesai dari kamar mandi, spaghetti sudah al dente, motong bawang, cabe, daon jeruk (!!) dan tuna. Masak. Jadilah sebentuk alio e olio*! Sarapan, mandi, dandan, tuang sisa sarapan ke kotak makan supaya berganti tugas menjadi makan siang... Hiyaaat!! Berangkat kantor!!!
Parah parah! Tjanggih!

*) serah mau nyebutnya alio e olio, aglio olio, oglio olio.. but the first one is the cutest.

The Girls and the Media

This is the Prime Minister of Ukraine. Yulia Tymoshenko.

A possible candidate for the President of Ukraine in 2010

One of the 3 most powerful women on earth according to Forbes Magazine.


I planned to do some comparisons with this Indonesian female leader. Mien Sugandhi. Why? because both have their signature hair do. But Uncle Google does not have her picture. Ah too bad!

Yulia used to put her hair loose. But prior to year 2002, brilliantly, she put Ukraine's traditional braids as her signature style. Strategic move for a female PM candidate. Her opposant told the media that the braid was all fake. On the next day, she held a press conference and when the question was raised, she just laughed and casually losen her hair and put of the bobby pins. On that moment, she's the winner.

Mien Sugandhi was Menteri Urusan Peranan Wanita some years ago. She also has her signature style. Eye make up melok melok and a hella big hair. Nothing too dramatic in this story. I happened to see her house, and she has her own salon next to her carport.

Megawati Sukarnoputri is of course uncomparable to Yulia.

Sri Mulyani Indrawati is comparable as she has the elegance yet smart aura. But frankly speaking, Yulia is still the winner

Or Miranda Gultom? Nah.. she put way too much effort.

In the end, I came with the conclusion that presumably, Indonesian medias are more interested on capturing Sarah Azhari when she returned from the Holy Land than the more powerful figures.

The Picture That Paints a Thousand Words

Tentang si Mbah

Ini penting banget dah nih... sampe2 kurelakan detik2 terakhir sebelum tidur untuk mempersembahkan postingan ini. Padahal besok pagi ada deadline. Ah.. kacrut!

Jadi begini... karena rumah Lebak Bulus harus direnovasi selama 1-3 bulan maka terpaksa bulan april kemarin kita serumah boyongan ke rumah Pondok Labu. Kembali ke rumah Pondok Labu berarti kembali ke moi childhood.

Semua masih sama, tak banyak berubah.. kecuali teman2 seangkatan yang kini sudah menemani anaknya naik odong-odong.

Hampir setiap hari, Maica minta naik odong-odong. Otomatis, setiap hari pulalah moi menemaninya. Dan.. hebatnya nyaris setiap hari itulah si teman masa kecil menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama "Mbak Nita kapan kawin? Nyusul dong punya anak..." Jawabannyapun selalu sama "Hehehe.. kapan kapan dehh.." Lalu pasti ditangkis dengan pertanyaan yang sama "Tapi Mbak Nita udah kerja kaaan?"

Hingga hari terakhir menemani Maicha, pertanyaan itu meluncur lagi. Tapi saat itu, si Mbah (Mbah-Mbahan-nya Maica) dengan judes menangkis bagaikan tumbuhan 'lidah mertua'. "Ooohh.. udaah.. udah kerja diaa.. di luar negriiii lagiii.. ini besok dia terbang lagi diaaa.. dia mah ga mau disini aja kerjaaa.. orang pacarnya gede ganteng ada disini juga."
Sungguh.. ini persis apa yang dia bilang saat itu. Sini juga kaget. Wets.. ada apa nih si Mbah.. kok judes bener...

Ah.. Mbah.. Mbah... walaupun namanya si Mbah tapi kelahiran 1969.. Aneh..
Walaupun kerja di belakang.. tiap dipinjemin duit selalu available. "Mbah.. pinjem duit dong" "Oke (dengan nada menantang) berape?" "500 ribu" "Beressss..." Berkali-kali.
Mbah yang hobinya traktir Maica naik odong-odong. Setiap odong-odong lewat, Mbah dan Maica yang semangat.. Padahal odong-odong itu harganya 5000 nah.. kalo dia traktir 3 kaliiii aja dah 15 ribu... gajinya berapa?? Tiap diganti ngga pernah mau. Padahal Maicha bukan tugas dia.. Mengapa? "Ah.. duit mah bakal apaan sih? Kalo bukan buat nyenengin anak mah bakal apaan?"
Jadi kangen Mbah.. Panjang umur ya Mbaaaahhh :)

Oh iya.. Segala percakapan menjadi lucu secara fonetik berkat logat Betawinya.


I first saw this clip at my 174 bus and I felt warm inside. (somehow I related the scenes to my Eyang Adrijan relationship with my Mother. On the second tier, Acid and Sari with their daddys.)

Red with Envy

It is a phenomenon here. At exam periods, almost every girl would have red painted toes. I've heard stories about how a shocking red nail polish can boost ones mood. I think I'm gonna paint mine for Monday.

Tentang Sailormoon

Pada suatu hari medio 2000. SMUN 34 tp lokasi SMPN 85 (maklum lg dibangun)
"Tek.. tek.. tek.. Cid.. Cid!" dari jendela.
"Hah? kenapa nit" dari bangku paling belakang pojok.
"Mobil gue ilang cid!"
"GILA!" seraya bangkit dari tempat duduk, mengumpulkan kertas ulangan yang baru 5 menit dikerjakan dan menghambur keluar kelas.

Sekali lagi. Medio 2000. Lapangan Basket Bona Indah Gardens.
"Do, tolong ke mobilnya Nita dong.. gue mau ngomong"
"Maksud lo apa blablablabala?" seraya mendorong tubuh si tersangka dengan cara membuka pintu mobil tiba2.

Lagi. Medio 2000. Ruang Kelas 3 IPS 2.
"Kamu tenang sayang.. Minggu depan beli henfon baru lagi.. tenang nanti kita patungan.. aku ada duit lebih nih" (walaupun bak percakapan 2 lesbians dan akhirnya si lawan bicara terlalu gengsi untuk menerima uluran tangan)

Lagi lagi. Medio 2000. BBC Pondok Labu.
"Cepet!! Cepet!! Masukkin bagasi mobil gue!! Mau ada razia anjrittt!!!" Upaya penyelamatan naskah bocoran EBTANAS P1,P2,P3,P4,P5.

Medio 2001. Mata Bar.
"Ini anak2 dibawa aja ke rumah lo Nit. Sekarang ada berapa mobil?" seraya mengguyur wajah seorang teman dengan sentoran WC.

Medio 2007.
"pus, ati2 ya sm pujian2 yg ternyata terselubung, cuekin aja :P
ga penting bgt orgnya bok! super duper ga penting... gwe yakin dia juga baca wall ini dan tersinggung punya hati.. hahahaha

lu olang gitu lhoooooooo :P

sini2 kutampar 24 jam! :D
bkn kamu.. tp u know lah.. hhahahahahaha

love u puspikuuuuu

ps: and totally not a cool joke, if u know wht i mean"


Tujuh tahun berlalu, kibasan rambut Sailormoon tetap sama rasanya.

Selamanya Cinta

Andaikan ku dapat mengungkapkan perasaanku
Hingga membuat kau percaya
Akan ku berikan seutuhnya rasa cintaku
Selamanya, selamanya...

What I wanna do the most is to go to the airport, fly to Jakarta, open my Lebak Lestari door, open my mother's room, hug her and say my deepest sorry for all the mistakes I've made...

My mother rocks!!!!

Some [in]Formal Pictures

Inspired by Cido, in the middle of my leyeh-leyeh Sunday.. I crazily captured some unimportant things.. haha! But as an alien here, I just bring several important things, while the others are just being left in Indonesia.

Let's start!!!
Photo paspor

Kartu Mahasiswa

teruss.. abiiis dehhh.. tapi puspita tak habis akaaall :))

masih ada yang iniii...


foto smp yang selalu kugunakan untuk kartu ujian kuliah.. (biar penjaganya senyum2 laaalluuu.... hiyaaaattt tengok jawaban sebelah!!!)

berprofesi sebagai mbak mbak penjaga toko emas...

mencari kerja...

eetsss ada yang nepsong!

waktu sma.. songong gilllaakk!!! tahiti! (tuh aku selalu bawa nih strit!)

dannn.. juga yang ini.. hihihi sori bamba!!!

To: He Who Shall Not be Named

A couple years ago, on the way home after my commencement day back in UI, He who shall not be named, gave me his words of wisdom (same old same old)

"Ta, (dengan suara cempreng) lo S2 aja ta..."
"buset.. ogah ah s1 aja ngos2an"
"Ta... S2 mah gampang"
"ogah ah ga bisa bahasa inggris!"
"lah kalo di --tuuuttt--- mah cuman dateng, duduk, dengerin doang Ta..."

YEAAHHH RIIITEEE!!! I got one subject failed here! Ah, my bad!

Needle in the Hay

So, things are getting more serious here so I decided to tell my BF everything. Oh well, my blabber mouth makes everything here means one thing... medical history. I was kinda mmm welll.. not really comfortable about this one cos mine is not so good. Blame it to the DNA.

My internist always comforts me by saying "maybe you are one of the great great great grand daughter of Genghis Khan" every time we discuss my weird DNA.

At first La Bamba was kinda scared of needle and blood. He did not like the idea of pre-tarantamtam medical check up. In front of Prodia Gunawarman, i told him to conquer his fear and go straight to the lab cos this is important. "Baby, I dont wanna be romantic ... Let's be realistic. I have this kinda blood and if u have it then we are gonna be so doomed. To know whether u have it or not, we should go there." He was shocked and looked yellowishly pale.

Afterwards, he grabbed my hand and firmly said "Let's go."

I? Melted..

The next day was our 'terima rapot' day. "So Kepi, are we going to 'terima rapot' today?" he asked. "Yes Bamba." I replied.

On the way to the lab, suddenly the Toyota Crown turned to be a big freezer.

After Prodia, we went to Ayam Hayam Wuruk to celebrate that 'terima rapot' day. :D

Horse Shampoo

Woke up at 10 a.m, had a little breakfast, washed my face with cetaphil, brushed my tooth with antiplaque, sat on the bath tub, washed my hair with horse shampoo, and soaped my body with palmolive.. wait a minute... HORSE SHAMPOO??

Yeap yeap.. im a horse with everyday-is-a-bad-hair-day hair.

After those human hair treatments I was kinda devastated and decided to try the inhuman treatment, which is horse.

Oh well, it smells good and it feels crazily clean. If Sarah Jessica Parker and Jennifer Aniston dare to shampoo their gorgeous hair with Mane 'n Tail Horse Shampoo.. why not me?

Im looking forward for a fuller and longer hair by this horse product :)


Can't wait to post! Tunggu tangggaaall maiinnnyaaa..


Nyuwun sewu..
Pamit dulu ya...
Pulang duluuu..
dan menikmati masa muda penuh gelora!

Ngeeennngggg.... (sambil sok kul)

Sampai jumpa! Mohon didoaken segala ujian2nya baik akademis maupun kehidupan. halah. another drama!


Ternyata susye juga mau jadi anak gede :(
Susye jek susye!

Anyway, today will be my last day here. And starting from tomorrow, I will be back! Back to reality where the so-called-adultness is waiting. Yikes! Me wanna puke!

Really, I hate it! If you think im just a spoiled little brat, please have a 2 days sit-in in my place.


I have:
  1. returned my campus mailbox key; and
  2. measured my big head for the commencement gown set.


No, I Dont Need To

I am happy that I dont even need to comb my hair properly (or put off the blue shower hair-band) to have a proper Japanese dinner with you.or dab concealer on my cheeks..

(and you must be very happy that I dont mind your big hair baby)

Kangen Kalian...

PT Strawberry Brand Acquisition
U guys know me too well
We Are Family

To Smile and Have Fun!
With Uncle Jamal..
Happy Uncle Jamal!

LGS moments..
The Big Bosses' Birthday Parties..
The Boss' Christmas Party..
The time-sheet-email-reminders..
The Garage Sale..
The Ambasador Shopping Sprees..
The Arisans..
The Pathetic..
The New Beginning..
The Late Night Chats..
The Quality Times


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