Perut.. boleh tambun bak pemenang ulung pertandingan minum bir.
Welcome to my disclose diary. My name is Nita. I post when I need to kill my time.
I don't care about the grammar, the weak or strong English, or the use of Bahasa Indonesia.
I just write what is said by the small grey brain cells in my head and told by the pink cells in my heart.
Yahhh... di kala krisis ekonomi begini, hiburan memang perlu. Yang ini cukup menghibur kok :) Yang pasti si Tumbelina namanya jadi masuk majalah.. dan pagi2 dapet sms dari eike "selamat pagi mama wiratama.. apa kabar hari ini?"
It is funny to read that this console helps people from strokes and used for the elderly in the U.S. Let's see whether this is another over-rated device or not.
bersama yang ini
dan ditambah lagi dengan yang ini...
bukan salah boenda mengandoeng jika terdapat percakapan ini
Sari: "bentar dulu dah nih.. gue lagi men-sms calon bapak anak anak gua nih"
Heri: "mana coba terakhir bilang apa?"
S menunjukkan sms terakhir yang berisikan pembahasan kelas kakap tentang makro ekonomi berikut ungkapan si calon bapak bahwa dirinya sudah masuk selimut.
Heri: yeeeee sms isinya beginian lagi.. gimana mau dapet??
Sari: yah begimana sik her?
Heri: "jawab "mau dooong jadi selimutnyaaa.."!"
Nita: "taiah.. najong lu her... mampus anak orang"
Yani: "nit.. hentikan ini.. cewe kite malu dah"
Heri: "kagaakk coba dah lu kirim"
Sari: "bener yakkk gue kirim dah nih yah..."
Meja kecil starbucks Budi Faith tampak turut deg2an menanti jawaban dari sang calon bapak.
SMS Calon Bapak: "anget dooongg"
SMS Sari: "global warming dong?"
SMS Calon Bapak: "beruang kutub kabur!"
Seharusnya dibales "asal kamu ga kabur yah!" HAHAHHAHAHAHHAH
untung si S memutuskan untuk mengakhiri dengan elegan.. "Haha. talk to u tomorrow!"
Pulang dengan bahagia dan bangga.. karena si S memiliki amunisi baru untuk mengakhiri kegiatan sms besok malam...
S: "malem malem gini enaknya minum jus apa ya?"
Calon Bapak: "jus apa dong maunya?"
S: "jus wanna say good nite"
Issue: You tell me!
Application: Tell me more!
Conclusion: Ngaaaahhhh..! Mati awaaakkk!!!
I believe, nobody likes it. Especially when you won't get any overtime money.
But, trust me.. Go to the young lawyers' group.. and you will find them complaining plus showing off. Stay a little bit longer there, and they will talk about the complicated transactions and how they deal with that. Okay, hang on there.. please stay for another few minutes.. if you were drown to the very green one, they will talk about their rates. Talking a lil bit further about rates, I know this guy, a lawyer working in the most prestigious firm back in Jakarta. One day, this Lawyer went to the office using TransJakarta buss. His decision of taking mass transportation in J-Town made hm have to wait for an hour to get the bus. What happened next? He shouted angrily to the poor Mbak-Mbak. "Mbak ini bisnya lama banget sih??? WAKTU SAYA BERHARGA!! SAYA DIBAYAR PER-JAM!!" ---------------------------------- sigh, excuse him.
I dont like it. But, somehow people thinks its cool. Even if u talk to their family, the templates will be the same. Complaining plus showing off.
Don't get me wrong. I am young. I am the greenest. But I'm so not gonna complain and show off at the same time. I prefer to do them in inseparable manner :D
Let's draw some lines:
ha ha ha
Why does this happen?
One of my professors once gave us an advice during his lecture.. "Ladies.. don't do lawyering. Why? Because pregnancy would be harder for lawyers than other profession. Why? Of course... because you work until very late.. and you will be supplied good coffee beans blended in a good coffee machine.
Take a look at the below conversation between a boss and his/her new lawyer.
B: How are u?
E: Great, I went home at 11 pm
B: Ah.. that's early! sometimes balbalablabla
Or this:
Job Interview
Prospective Boss: Are u willing to work late?
Prospective Lawyer: Of course Sir.
PB: Good.. because here, you might stay at the office like for.. hmm.. two days.. (laughed with pride)
No wonder!
*)based on my observation and of course.. generalization. Peace yo!
One of the 3 most powerful women on earth according to Forbes Magazine.
I planned to do some comparisons with this Indonesian female leader. Mien Sugandhi. Why? because both have their signature hair do. But Uncle Google does not have her picture. Ah too bad!
Yulia used to put her hair loose. But prior to year 2002, brilliantly, she put Ukraine's traditional braids as her signature style. Strategic move for a female PM candidate. Her opposant told the media that the braid was all fake. On the next day, she held a press conference and when the question was raised, she just laughed and casually losen her hair and put of the bobby pins. On that moment, she's the winner.
Mien Sugandhi was Menteri Urusan Peranan Wanita some years ago. She also has her signature style. Eye make up melok melok and a hella big hair. Nothing too dramatic in this story. I happened to see her house, and she has her own salon next to her carport.
Megawati Sukarnoputri is of course uncomparable to Yulia.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati is comparable as she has the elegance yet smart aura. But frankly speaking, Yulia is still the winner
Or Miranda Gultom? Nah.. she put way too much effort.
I first saw this clip at my 174 bus and I felt warm inside. (somehow I related the scenes to my Eyang Adrijan relationship with my Mother. On the second tier, Acid and Sari with their daddys.)
Kartu Mahasiswa
teruss.. abiiis dehhh.. tapi puspita tak habis akaaall :))
masih ada yang iniii...
foto smp yang selalu kugunakan untuk kartu ujian kuliah.. (biar penjaganya senyum2 laaalluuu.... hiyaaaattt tengok jawaban sebelah!!!)
berprofesi sebagai mbak mbak penjaga toko emas...
mencari kerja...
eetsss ada yang nepsong!
waktu sma.. songong gilllaakk!!! tahiti! (tuh aku selalu bawa nih strit!)
dannn.. juga yang ini.. hihihi sori bamba!!!
Sampai jumpa! Mohon didoaken segala ujian2nya baik akademis maupun kehidupan. halah. another drama!